| The King of a Thousand Sunshines Current mood: hyper Ok, so the title doesn't really make sense, and it has absolutely nothing to do with this blog, but I liked it, so deal.
Where'd I leave off? Well, I don't think I talked about Nick's birthday party. So I guess he can be the king. He decides that for his 18th birthday he wants to hit a strip club, so my Dad and I agree to oblige.
Now, I have a strong dislike of strip clubs. Not because I think the girls are being exploited (they choose this job and get compensated better than I do for mine), and not because of my philosophical roots in feminism (I don't view stripping as empowering, but for the above mentioned reasons I don't necessarily see it as evil. No, my dislike is much more personal...I just don't think they're fun. They make me feel sleezy, and I really don't see much point in throwing money away when I'd much rather have the company of a girl who's there because she likes me and wants to be, not because I'm paying her. I've been to two strip clubs in my life, both with a significant other, and let me tell you, this one was not like either of the other two.
We head to Mitchell Bros. on O'Farrell. Be warned. This place is not a strip club. It's more like a borderline sex club. You walk in and there's the standard stage with poles and the rotating ladies. But then there's several other rooms...there's the "Ultra Room" where booths surround an area where two girls hook up. Then there's the "Green Room" where a table pops up from the center of the floor and two girls put on a show there. Finally, there's a movie theatre and another room with small booths. All the girls are more than willing to tell you about the rooms they have in back with lube, condoms and other goodies.
Now, understand that Nick doesn't smoke all that much. Not only did I smoke him out, but I fed him a double strength club brownie to top it off, and by the time we get through the door (amazingly, we don't get carded and he's actually two days away from his birthday), I can't even see his eyes because they're almost shut. The first thing Dad does is order him a lap dance to break the ice (he's obviously a bit intimidated)...the girl is fine (obviously, they pretty much all were), and afterwards, he's a different person. All of a sudden, he keeps disappearing for more lap dances!
By the end of the night, my Dad and I are standing in back trying to fend off the girls (if you're even moderately ok looking, and look like you have some cash, they flock)....I'm the primary target, but then they look to Dad for the bucks. We keep the wallet close. Anyways, we're back there, turning down these ladies for lap dances, and Nick looks like he was born in a strip club, sitting up in the front row, non-chalantly throwing dollar bills up on stage. I think it goes down as the best birthday he's ever had.
I leave there and head over to Brigid and Christina's Xmas party. You never saw two such gorgeous hostesses. Brigid is wearing a tight strapless and some festive red stockings (which weren't my cup of tea, but she certainly looked cute in them), and Christina almost knocked me onto the floor when I walked in and saw her in a tight, ruffled red dress. My glands start working overtime and I almost drool all over the floor.
They've got a good array of people there...mostly Brigid's co-workers, but also Christina's manager who I've heard more about than the Pope. She's hot, and the drunk married guy that spends all night trying to take her home knows it. They're serving, of course, the famous homemade guacamole and salsa, with various cheese pate spreads and other munchable goodies.
Brigid's mom is a sweetie. She sits there, quietly watching her daughter get drunk and petting the dog. I think she's shocked when I introduce myself to her. Then we meet her dad, a retired cop, and I"m thankful that as per request, I haven't smoked anything, cause those guys can smell it a mile away. The party dies down, the drunk married guy leaves Kristin alone, and I sprint back to my car in sub zero conditions at about 4:30 am.
So that was the weekend, the 18th birthday party and a stellar Christmas party. I can't decide who had more fun...Nick, who got his first taste of real women and adult life (or maybe as close as he'll ever get to being an adult!), me, who got to spend a little time on the couch after the party with the lady in red, or Brigid, but we won't talk about that!
Stay tuned...I'm in the midst of celebrating a birthday week, so there's plenty more to come. |
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