Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ant Food (Old)

In searching through books for research for my exam last week, I came across a Norton Anthology of Modern Poetry I had used for one of my college courses. It had a poem in the front, so I thought I'd start today off with that. Here ya go:

Let me cover my meaning -
There are times in which the sun rains down,
heavy on me,
and the deep breath of fresh air,
Filling my nostrils warm and pure,
And my smile,
Ear to ear,
Soaks me to the last layer of skin,
Letting me walk,
Dripping joy on the sidewalk,
bits of sugar for ants to seek out,
lap at
and beg for,

Sucking greedily at the joy
that I spread like sticky sweet oceans
Over the continent of Earth,
like yellow and fuscia blossoms
tossed to the winds.

Watch me smile,
Watch me drip,
Then watch me melt.

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