When I have both nights and a day of a weekend booked with social plans, I know it’s going to be long, drunk and amazing. This weekend was no exception. Friday night I get up to the city early, grab some sushi from Nama and pay for it with the proceeds I get from selling my Giants tickets. Even with the Yankees in town, the rest of the weekend is so frightening in scope that I can’t muster the energy to go. I head to Vic’s and get the top of my head ripped open with his new volcano.
Back at ChengJ’s, it’s Beirut and liar’s dice as we watch Bonds swat one into the deep part of the yard. On the first game of Beirut, I play with my mixed drink. On the second, however, I do what amounts to thinking I can ride on the train track only to find out that I have the top speed of a bicycle. In short, I get run down. Instead of mixing a drink and splitting it among the cups, I pour vodka and mixer into each cup. By the time I’m halfway through the game, I realize the mistake that’s been made, and my stomach, full of sushi from a few hours before, realizes it too.
I head with them to go to the Marina, but forget my camera and have to go back. I walk several blocks, grab a cab and end up at Broderick street for the farewell party by Pat. I walk in and Goldilocks, Chaz, Pat, Miller, Vic and a slew of others are all there. The place has been emptied out for the party and it’s good because it’s getting trashed. As always, Pat has an amazing cast of characters, including one girl who throws a stack of cups at me. She explains that she thought I had thrown them at her, to which I respond that that’s still not a good reason to resort to violence.
Inside the kitchen, the temperature is up around 90 and as I start to boil it makes a mixing pot out of my stomach and I have to go outside to maintain. I spend twenty minutes trying to settle my stomach down, only finally realizing that this can be done with a j. About this time, Coach shows up with his best man. It’s known in these parts as “Out-of-town-Erica Mike.
Back inside the js keep coming, dancing is happening and the kegs are…..tapped? Yes, tapped, at like 12. I get the final pieces of amusement out of the evening as Pat is force fed varying amounts of alcohol in several different containers. Coach gives me a ride back to my car at Millbrae, and I end my night, feet up, music on, j out in the comfort of my own bed.
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