Sunday, March 30, 2008


Only on a night when I decide to take it easy could I come this close to getting in trouble. Friday night I’m feeling a more relaxed evening, which is good considering that in honor of their last day out of town, Chaz has decided to have a party at his place. Nothing too fancy, just about 10 or so of us playing Beirut. We’re multiple games into it when it gets to be around 1:30 and everyone’s hungry. I agree to jet down to Jack in the Box and Glace comes with me to help carry the order.

On the way, I remember something I need for the next day that I left at the office, and it only makes sense for me to go get it considering we’re driving right near there anyways. I’ve been to my office after hours before, have the key, so it’s not a big deal. I unlock the door and hear the familiar beep from the alarm system indicating a door has been open. Only, instead of only one beep, it keeps beeping. This concerns me. I run up the stairs, the beeping ticking like a bomb counter counting down, get to my desk, and as I’m two feet back towards the step, the full alarm comes on with sirens going crazy. Trying to run faster, I almost go flying down the stairs, I run out the door, come close to breaking the key off in the lock before getting the deadbolt to go (not that that turns off the alarm), throw my stuff in at a very startled Glace and yell, “I didn’t know the alarm would go off!” before slamming the car into reverse and trying to get out of there before I have to explain to any police what I’m doing at the office at nearly 2 am.

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