Saturday, I wake up early and head out to Toro Park in Salinas for CCS. The team runs well in a 12:15 race, after which I turn around, drive back to the Peninsula and head to Stanford. I park aways from the stadium and walk over, js blazing and ipod playing as I take in the sights of a tailgating stadium that seems like an SC home game. Walking to the will call booth to put Za's ticket in for her as she's going to be late, I walk smack into one of the girls from my dorm floor freshmen year, Hillary. It's amazing and random.
After watching SC beat up on Stanford, which is a dicey game at halftime but blown wide open in the second half, I jump in the car and head home where I shower and get ready to head up to the city. I get over to Topher and ChengJ's place where Gies, Foster, Marc, Paol and others are congregating playing Liar's Dice and Wii. Erin from City shows up and we head out among the throngs in town for the Weekender.
And, of course, every bar is packed. We're talking long lines to see the bouncer and even longer lines to get a drink once you're inside. With this kind of crowd and wait, and the fact that it's already 11, we head over to City where the side window bouncer (Dave Chappelle) and the owner are standing outside and let us in through the window where we step immediately to the bar. This is the perk of being a local and a regular. Inside, the place is jammed up with a ton of very nice looking ladies and even more ridiculously obnoxious LA douchebags. I'm not sure what it is about LA, but the percentage of frosted-tip, overly buff, intensely loud and extremely rude guys to come out of there is off the charts. When you can pick out the LA guy in the crowd, there's something wrong with LA.
At one point, a girl walking past us for the second time says, "Excuse me," as she moves Foster out of the way. In a joking manner I say, "She wants to get by, again," and she turns on me. "You don't know me, what gives you any right to be rude to me? I'm just walking here." I attempt to calm her, explain to her that I'm not being rude at all, that I was joking. She's not buying and continues to talk shit for no good reason. I'm confused. Then Foster mentions and she goes, "Yeaaaa, Trojans! I go to SC." We then tell her that the two guys she's been making nice with are not Trojans and the one guy she's been yelling at for no apparent reason is. She's skeptical, and thinks about making peace with me, but before she can I'm back on the sidewalk with another j. Stupid LA.
Next up...the week of Thanksgivings!
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