After laying low so I could make an early Saturday morning track meet out in Livermore (who names their city Livermore? Seriously, has to be the ugliest city name I've heard...feel free to prove me wrong on that), we get out there to find an incredibly run meet that actually finishes early for a change. Normally, that would mean that I return home at a decent hour, kick my feet up and watch the Saturday sun fade into early evening before finding something relaxing to do. But this Saturday is the last Saturday of the month, and that means that it's Mango at El Rio.
For those that haven't been to Mango at El Rio, I have to say that it's one of my favorite parties in the city. It's always packed, it takes place on a stellar outdoor patio so it feels like a BBQ and people get crazy trashed in the middle of the day. I drop the team off at 3:15, I'm home by 3:30 and by 4:45, I've showered, had two Rodkas, rolled up and arrived in the city with a very healthy buzz on. I meet up with Za, T and Xena and the party is packed as usual, line out the door and some fantastic mixing and dancing going on on the back patio. Marge shows up a little later on, but she's exhausted from work (and still in uniform) so she's not feeling the party too much.
Ever been to a girl party? You know how usually, if you're a guy, the bathroom just doesn't have a line and you walk by the girl's line feeling bad for them that they have to wait in a line, but extremely glad that you don't? Well, gender bathrooms don't really apply here and the line is equally long for both bathrooms. I decide that rather than be the guy to cut the line looking for a urinal, I'm just going to take it to the street. Try finding a spot in the lower Mission in broad daylight on a Saturday...I felt like Jack Bauer trying to do something impossible. I also felt like Jack Bauer when the mission was accomplished and I returned to the bar.
After a few more hours there, we take off and reload on some Cancun burritos down the street. The decision is made to go back to T's place and get set to reengage later in the evening. But, once we're there, that plan turns to shit as T gets into an hour long webcam conversation with her girlfriend which leaves Za and I slowly passing out on the couch until there's almost nothing left of the evening. I wake up when Xena comes out of her bedroom around 12, Za is done and T has passed out. I decide I'm not going to let my evening fade away like that, repack my bag, jump in the car and head over to Broadway to meet up with E at the I. It had been a while since the Brothers Grimm met up, and Saturday night when I'm on the rebound is a great time. Aside from the fact that Spooky got his entire evening for $9 bucks (making my drinks free of course), the place is packed which allows E and I the time to catch up without interruption.
Of course, Spooky can't hang with the crepes...he always feels the need to kick it outside for like an hour after they close the doors, but I'm starving, jump in the car, get crepes to go and eat back in the comfort of my own home. If you haven't had your crepes to go yet, give it a try...I'll argue that the result is better than eating them immediately in front of the stand.
Had some unreal soul food cuisine last night at 1300 Fillmore...fried chicken, shrimp with grits, pork bellies, foie gras and numerous other goodies. Za's parents were in town and took the group out to treat us. Two more kind, generous and fun to be around parents I'm just not sure I've met yet.
Up next, heading back to the city tonight to celebrate T's birthday and the death of March. And also, thanks to T for the glasses for that Clark Kent look!
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