Tuesday, July 31, 2007

July's Film Jubilee (21)

July has been a plentiful month of movies. Other schedules slowed down, the Giants were on the road, and a long weekend at the lake house all helped for a cinematic month. I've seen some golden oldies, a few new classics and only two and a half duds (the half is for Better Than Chocolate. It was pretty good when I finished it, but the next day I wasn't as excited about it. To clarify, it wasn't a dud, it just didn't meet the expectations I held going in). Good German was such a disappointment. With Soderbergh and the cast that movie had, you'd expect more...Children of Heaven was the first Iranian movie I've been able to come up with. Other names would be appreciated. It was touching story about two children who must find a way to share shoes while attending different schools and attempting to replace the pair that was lost. I was able to show the Roomie all of the Die Hard movies, saw the original Rocky for the first time, and saw In the Bedroom and Little Children which were both phenomenal. I wouldn't recommend seeing Last Days...longest 90 minute movie I've ever seen in my life. At the end of this "inspired by" the last days of Kurt Cobain's life, you'll wish you had a shotgun of your own. To shoot the TV.

1: Better Than Chocolate
2: Die Hard
3: Live Free or Die Hard
7: Layer Cake
10: 5x2
11: The Good German <---This movie moved along like a horse in a rocking chair.
12: Volver
13: Fast Food Nation
14: Last Days
15: Children of Heaven
17: In the Bedroom
19: Die Hard 2, Die Hard with a Vengence
21: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
22: Rocky Balboa
24: The Island, Little Children
28: Blue Velvet
29: Rocky
30: Pan's Labyrinth
31: The Beat That My Heart Skipped

Just finished watching the Beat That My Heart Skipped...a few parts tortured musician and wrong professions, a little of Crime and Punishment. If you like pianos, scum bag real estate developers, tales of personal quests and opportunities for redemption, I'd say you should try watching it.

1,000 Viewers!

A moment that I have waited a while for has finally come…1,000 page visits. In the last four months (from the creation of the blog, not the beginning of posts, March 19th, to be exact), I’ve shared tales of movie watching, bar hopping, baseball game going, restaurant visiting and randomness beyond description. Or at least beyond the kind of description I'm going to get involved with here. In over 100 posts, I’ve opened up on my philosophy, political and otherwise, my daily routines and other things that I thought at the time might be of interest to someone. Looking back, I find this an audacious assumption. I chuckle at my own impudence.

Out of 1,000 page visits, we’ve had 1,420 page views, meaning most will stop and stay awhile. Whether you check daily for the Quote of the Day or only weekly to kill those wretched moments between 4:49 and 5:00 on a Friday, I appreciate your readership. Truly. It's better than being kicked in the teeth.

The year is more than half over now, and I’m wondering where the time went. It feels like yesterday I was writing about my trip to the Rose Bowl on the 1st, and now we face the 1st of August. The summer is dwindling, the opportunities to get to the lake house are waning, and the days of BBQs, blunts and beers are rapidly disappearing. I don’t think anyone else wants to think about the facts that we’re only 1 month from Labor Day, 2 from Pumpkin Festival, 3 from Thanksgiving and 4 from Christmas. Am I scaring you yet?

At any rate, I’ve I enjoy this little Door…not only has it help me get a nice tight grasp around my OCD (haha), but it’s helped me create a virtual journal that I otherwise would not have had. I used to write in journals. My hands would cramp, I wouldn't have time to write or be too lazy some nights, and I invariably had to throw them away when I fell asleep in bed spilling whatever I was drinking at the time I was writing all over them.

As we move forward and look towards 1,500 page views and 2,000 visits, I can only tell you that as of right now, I’m just getting started. I'm not sure what that means, but if you have any ideas, feel free to send them to me so I can use them here and claim them as my own.

Again, thank you for your visits…
The Management

Monday, July 30, 2007

Happy Birthday Lina from the Carol!

That's right folks, the girl who is Candless, Lina from the Carol, celebrates her birthday today. She enjoys dancing, drinking, carousing with friends and long walks on the beach at sunset (ok, probably not, but maybe)...I've also seen her take a toke or two.

No longer 23, Lina from the Carol is now ready to pursue life, love and the pursuit of happiness (wait, is love really an inalienable right?) as a 24 year old. She could now watch an episode for every year she's been alive, and finish one season of 24. Pretty amazing, eh?

Here she is with Brig on Cinco de Mayo. If you see her out, buy her a drink, or three.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Friday Finales

When the Roomie and I don’t get out of the apartment until 6:30 on Friday night, and I need to make a club run that closes at 7, things aren’t looking good. But this should be a lesson to you all….if it starts off poorly, put your head down and keep going. 27 minutes later, weaving through traffic and disobeying almost every traffic law available to disobey, I pull up at the club with three minutes to spare, greeted with, “I knew you couldn’t be too much later,” by Craig.

After that, I spend a fruitless hour with Roomie trying to find a troll doll or chia pet or sea monkeys to satisfy ransom demands made for my juggling balls. Although, I’m slightly worried…I haven’t yet been able to hear them on the phone to confirm that they’re still alive. From the failed Walgreens we head to Brig and X’s place for their going away party. Being that the invitation said 7, I’m there at 740 or so and we’re some of the only ones. I’m worried that they’ve been stood up by everyone until I’m told, “we put that so that people would get here around 830 or 9. Glad they told me.

Za, T, Windy, Xena, ChengJ, Brig’s parents and brother and a whole other cast of characters from jobs and school past show up to make rounds. I’m downing rodkas out of 8 oz red cups as fast as I can, knowing I need to leave around 9:30 to make it before I get shut out of Chaz’s party. Right about that time, I get Maurod on the phone who comes to get us and takes us over to the Anti-Saloon Establishment, a non-descript town hall looking place from the outside that actually houses Bourbon and Branch, a funky speakeasy type establishment that carries out a number of house rules and menu limitations to keep it that way.

When you approach, you wouldn’t even think to knock on the door. But when you do, they open and ask for a password. I give it to them and we step inside a dimly lit restaurant style place. They take us to the back, open up a bookshelf and let us into the library, where floor to ceiling bookshelves stack books as well as liquors of every taste and variety. Multiple types of tequila, bourbon, whiskey, and vodka, as well as a selection of fresh juices and other 1920s period mixers. No coke, cosmos or long islands at this bar. The walls are thick red wallpaper that you might have seen in a brothel

In order to stay in once you’ve used the password, you better not use your cell phone or your camera, and speak easy. When we show up, Chaz, Gavroche, Sam, Mau, Damie, Albert, JH, Miller and his girl, Vic, the usual suspects are already there. About a third of the bar’s population is our crew, and it’s all mixed drinks including a pretty spectacular pomegranate martini that I have 4 of. My most enjoyable conversation of the night surrounds the merits of a bar that won’t allow the use of a camera to document the laughter. I like the no cell policy, but for a photophile like me, the no camera thing can kill.

Inside, Mau introduces us all to a very lovely blonde that, if I didn’t know any better, would have thought he had been dating for months. They’re holding hands, kissing, generally being a couple. Yet, when he tells me about her, he mentions that he met her that day on the street. Either this is truly love at first sight, or they went to some awesome pre-parties before showing up here.

Outside, I want to smack Gavroche after a particularly boneheaded move in my mind. It starts when a bum wearing a kippah comes up asking for a lighter. I hand him mine and he disappears into a store front a few spots away. When he returns, he’s talking about needing money and offering to sell us shot glasses for 1 dollar a piece. Alan asks him what God he worships and the man tells us Adonai. Alan pulls out a five dollar bill and gives it to him. The man says, “you are Jewish too. And smart.” He then asks us to call his attorney on the phone. During this exchange he mentions that he went to USC’s Business school, “Oh, Marshall?” I ask.

“No, a marketing degree.”
“You said business.”
“A business degree, yes.”
“From Marshall?”
“Don’t talk stupid.”
“But that’s the USC business school.”
“Before that.”

He then tries to give us the shot glasses for a dollar. I look at him and he’s still holding the five dollar bill Alan gave him. In my mind, we should have 3 to 5 shot glasses for that donation. I ask for my lighter back. He hands me his. I tell him that’s not mine, and he returns mine. I leave the conversation.

When I get back out there with X twenty minutes later, they’re still talking to this guy. He’s now lapsed into waving around a black flag with skull and crossbones all over it and generally cursing us. X starts yelling at him, which I can’t really control. It’s an untenable situation, and as he gives what I can only describe as the evil eye, he walks into the street, stopping oncoming traffic as he waves his flag. X yells after him, “Fuck you, you’re gonna die!”

He continues glaring and crossing the street, horns honking at him everywhere. We start looking for a cab and the doorman comes up and tells us he’ll get us one. X is wary and says, “Just be real, how much is it going to cost us.” The doorman, who apparently works for the bar, seems a bit offended and says, “I work here, you can give me whatever you’d like, but you don’t have to pay me anything if you don’t want to.” Somehow, they settle on 5 dollars as the amount.

Once Roomie, X and I are in the cab, we tell him Hayes and Clayton. “H-A-Y-E-S”. As he gets closer, he asks, “Clayton and ?” I have no idea that this is about to turn into the cab drive from hell as the driver attempts to use the fact that English is his second language in order to pretend he doesn’t know where we want to go. As mentioned above, X has already spelled out the name of the street once.

“Hayes. H-A-Y-E-S.”
“Oh, ok, Hayes.”
X says, “Yea, I usually spell it for people.”
I laugh and say, “yea, I only heard you spell it twice.”

We then sit there and watch as he drives past Clayton. We tell him, “Hayes and Clayton, make your next right.”

He drives past Cole and I tell him, “Make your next right.” I now get the distinct impression that he’s acting stupid in order to jack our cab fare. I tell him again, the next right, and he says, “Hayes and Clayton?” He’s literally about to drive past Stanyan and take us into the park when I’m fed up and not going to let him play around anymore, “Right, here. Make a right.”

This is an order that no language barrier could block and he makes a right. I tell him to go to the next light, make a right, go two blocks down and stop. I get out hoping that X doesn’t give him too much of a tip. I end my night eating kit kat bars and jalapeno chips before passing out.

Saturday, I get a completely personalized Nini’s breakfast from Katie…blackberry milkshake, and a Joe’s special with chorizo, cheese and fresh tomatoes. It’s incredible. After the ensuing food coma, I head up to the Giants game to watch the last game that includes a pre-party at 518, as they move next week. It’s bittersweet…instead of playing Beirut, I drink a 40 by myself while ChengJ and Topher Grace play Streets of Rage 3 for an hour and a half.

At the game, the buzz of the crowd is electric as everyone is waiting for history. Although, for me, one of the most entertaining moments of the game comes when Armando comes in. The boos and contempt for Blonitez is amazing, considering he’s been gone for months. But the crowd boos him like it did when he pitched for us, and I tell the people around us that we should be cheering as he has to represent the best chance we have of winning the game. A guy behind me with an Illinois sweatshirt asks me what all the noise is for, and I explain to him Blonitez’s illustrious past with our team and his recent history.

While we don’t get the runs off of him, we do turn a 3-2 9th inning deficit into a 4-3 win, and I go home thinking that, hey, with this many ballgames left in the season, why shouldn’t we be able to make a play-off run? We’ve blown 10 game leads in the last half before, why shouldn’t we be able to make one up?

Guess only a few more months will yield the answer to that!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Charles!

That's right...the neuroscience major, the MixMatch founder, the man we all know as Charles celebrates his 25th birthday today. He now joins the ranks of 25 year olds everywhere that can rent a car, pay for the extra insurance and blow it up. He also is no longer eligible to get talked down to for being 24.

I was told that no one else had this birthday, that it was Charles' and his alone...I challenge that using my favorite, wikipedia...here's some notables that Charles might one day join as famous people born on the 27th of July, as well as some deaths and historic events:

-Bugs Bunny made his debut in 1940
-In 1974, Congress votes to impeach Nixon on a 27 to 11 vote
-In 1996, the bombing at the Olympic Games in Atlanta, GA takes place
-1824: Alexandre Dumas (author of Count of Monte Cristo)
-1975: Alex Rodriguez (NY Yankee)
-1977: Jonathan Rhys-Meyers (actor, Match Point)
-1946: Gertrude Stein (novelist) dies
-1988: Frank Zamboni (inventor of the Zamboni ice smoothing machine) dies
-2003: Bob Hope dies
-Maldives and Cuba both celebrate Independence Days

Last night we had a little BBQ at his place and in celebration, we threw him in the pool. Here's a video of that. The lighting is horrible, so I don't want to hear about how it's too dark to see anything, but you kinda get the idea. Don't miss out tonight as we go out and attempt to make sure his 25th is one he'll never remember.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Did We Even Go to a Game?

When you take Topher Grace and myself, starting beirut at 8pm, teaching an Australian how to play beirut, and then finishing off any alcohol we can get our hands on, the result is generally going to be drunk. But last night, we took the cake, arriving in the end of the 7th inning, seeing an inning and a half of baseball and going home, unsure how we got quite so obliterated. Part of this was due to the quick game (2.5 hours) For Topher, I think it was those 5 shots of Jack Daniels that did it. For me? Probably the Knock Out.

At any rate, the innings we saw on TV were excellent, and the energy at the stadium was great. It was a good thing they stopped serving alcohol because we needed the cheeseburgers and garlic fries that we ate just to get us back onto a level playing field.

On another note, I talked to the Aussie about Flight of the Conchords, and he confirmed that their relationship to New Zealand is like ours to Canada...kind of a mockery, and not really interested in what they do. My favorite poster from that show: "New Zealand...it's better than you think."...my second favorite: New Zealand. It's not Australia.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My advice...

My advice to you is that if you're going to be rich, you should probably hire a driver when you go out to get trashed. My other advice, is that if you're a movie star, getting pulled over with substances in your system and cocaine in your pockets isn't a very good idea. Finally, if you are going to do the two above-mentioned things against my advice, you should probably check your make up before they mug shoot you.

clipped from www.cnn.com
 blog it

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Contemplating Tempting

Extra tempting...
appealing or attracting,
Sometimes misconstrued as something more exacting,
And the compact facts of the exact moments that react
to cause a little spark, the wings of a lark
or a stomach butterfly,
racing by.

and we're left,
to wonder,

Monday, July 16, 2007


When I looked at the main page for the Door and realized that I had posted 100 times since the beginning of my blogging days, I decided that 101 couldn't be just another post...it had to be the definitive 101st Post. Ever. In celebration, I have used my memory and the fabulous Wikipedia to bring you some information about 100's big brother that you might not have known.

-The 26th prime number, and therefore a palindromic prime.
-Neo's number from the Matrix
-Basic entry course at most western colleges
-The tallest building in the world, in Taipei (Taipei 101)
-Torture room from Orwell's 1984
-In Argentina, dialing it will get you the police.
-the minimum number of keys on your computer keyboard
-When I leave the city, I cruise the 101 South. Hey, I bet you do too!
-101st Airborne, of course.
-Arnold was the T-800 Model 101
and finally, after I started this blog, it took 12 days to hit 101 page views.
Pictures: US 101 as seen at the 280 Interchangein 1964, Taipei 101 and the STS-101 space mission

Thursday, July 12, 2007

If That's What You're Into

Alright, for those that haven't seen it, Flight of the Conchords is one of the funniest shows on TV in quite some time. It mixes and matches New Zealand Office type deadpan humor with musical parodies. It's outrageous. This weekend they aired one of my favorite new songs, and I thought I'd post it here for all to enjoy. So, enjoy already!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Welcome Back to the Lake

The shortened 4th of July week turned quickly into the lengthy lake house weekend, where all was revealed. Well, maybe not all. Interesting things we found out this weekend:

1) It takes Latte exactly 45 seconds to make a huge mess
2) Red wine stains white t-shirts, especially when splattered on them at 35 miles an hour from the front of a boat.
3) I do know how to swim, and actually do it sometimes.
4) It only takes one person (i.e. me) to finish most of a bottle of peach vodka in a day
5) Jalapeno poppers are more spicy the day after you eat them.
6) Latte loves to swim.
7) We wear our sunglasses at night
8) Thanksgiving can happen in July
9) We don't like sheriffs renting the house across the cove
10) All good things must end.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Day of Independence

Ah, the Fourth of July. That day every year where we reflect on the great grandness of our country. The day we wave our flags high and proclaim, "we are Americans." And we do all of this by pounding beer, watching baseball and eating large hunks of cooked meat. Who said we weren't sophisticated and civilized?

But seriously...what a stupid concept. I think it's great that we won our independence from Britain, but really, lately, what's there to be patriotic about? I think, were I to be overseas, I would rather proclaim myself a Muslim than an American. At least not all Muslims are perceived as terrorists, when all Americans are perceived as ass holes. Hell, we don't even have freedom and independence for our own citizens (see: homosexuals and marriage, the "war" on drugs (though as Carver points out in the Wire, you can't call it a war...wars end), and the endless supply of cameras on street corners, White House operated phone taps, and other means of surveillance, electronic and otherwise, that gradually chew away at our freedom, and more rapidly approach the kind of oversight, control and bullshit rhetoric that forced us to fight our fathers to begin with in the 1770s.

We have a president that proclaims it his duty to spread freedom and democracy at the end of a gun, while at the same time talking about the culture of life that he's enabling by vetoing stem cell research. I mean, for God's sake, this is our President who is commuting the prison sentence of a man convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice WHILE working in the White House. Then he has the audacity to proclaim that, hell, he might even pardon the guy!

But damn those WMDs...they're a huge threat to our democracy. Chavez and Castro? The devils. Our president? Why shouldn't he flaunt his blatant disregard for the Constitution, the will of the people and interests of the majority of the country in order to promote his own narrow politico-religious agenda? Makes perfect sense to me.

At any rate, we sat poolside, chainsmoked joints, ate large quantities of meat and played Beirut well into the night. In the distance, we could hear the clatter and boom of fireworks, smelling their smoke mingling with the bbq at passing moments in time. And while I didn't raise my flag and proclaim the greatness of our country, drifting moments of serenity told me that it was good to be home, and I did raise my glass to everything that is still possible.

Monday, July 2, 2007

The Vicious Cutting of Rugs (Sat)

Riding high from Friday night’s amazing seat upgrade and Saturday morning’s wonderful Nini’s, I hit Costco and get a Wii (which I’m still debating opening), some food and sundry items and the Die Hard trilogy. I drop that off at home and am right back in the city for the Giants game again. The game’s a bit earlier Saturday (6 rather than 7pm start) and we get in a bit late. Mac and I sit with MikeG and Erica until the 6th inning when the people that have our seats show up for the game and want to sit down. Welcome to the game punks!

Mac and I reload our drinks at the bar, see Brig and finish out the game in the bleachers. The game is uneventful aside from the fact that the Giants actually pull it together and win, and the four of us are back for more Beirut after the game. ChengJ and Mac find out they have a new apartment which was a huge relief considering they were due out of their current one in two weeks and still hadn’t found a replacement. You can soon find the new pregame in the Marina. With this in mind, we’re out to City once more where we meet up with Marc and his unbelievably cool new iphone. I withdraw from the group and spend about 20 minutes messing around with it at the bar because it’s so damn cool. Marc regularly swipes it from my hands and plays keep away before handing it back to me.

I’ve been talking with Jacks (formerly Glasses) for about three weeks about dancing, and tonight’s the night. MikeG and Erica agree to give me a ride down to the Mission to spare me the cab and I hop out to Casanova where I meet up with Jacks and Sue. We decide there just isn’t enough to dance to there and head over to Delirium.

Now this place was sweet. It’s part bar, part pool hall and part dance floor. It’s packed with your standard Mission crowd of drunk partiers, serious pool players, crazy hipsters and others who have just stopped in for a drink. We get ours and head straight for the dance floor which is hidden in the back, just a tad crowded, but crazy and ready to explode. As we step in, Jacks gets attacked by this girl who’s drenched in sweat and looks like a good commercial for an anti-ecstasy campaign. She clearly knows Jacks, and Jacks clearly has no idea who the hell she is. But she’s all over her. I’m not sure whether I’m supposed to step in and break this particular rendezvous up or step back and let Queen Roller take over on downs. I decide on a cautious mix of dancing near in case help is needed, but letting her handle herself for a bit. Sue and I dance a bit out of the way.

I grab round two and this girl has stepped up the ante. I come back to the floor and get left for a bit when I start dancing with a girl who’s meandered over. She keeps creeping in a bit closer, and I keep stepping back. It makes for an interesting dance to say the least. At this point, everyone has thrown the rules to the wind as the dance floor becomes an impromptu smoking lounge. I manage to refrain from sparking up a J, but only just barely. I’m feeling every song, even the ones that I don’t usually, and we dance until two to close the place down.

When we leave, we decide to catch a cab over to Divis and Haight for a house party going on there. But before we get there, I witness one of the most hilarious moments I’ve ever been a part of. The cab is myself, Jacks and Sue. We get in and someone has brought a bottle of water along. We start working on that, and its when Sue has a big gulp of water in her mouth that Jacks and I pass a few humorous words between us while talking about the girl that harassed Jacks at the bar, and she starts laughing, in the process blowing the entire gulp of water out of her mouth and onto the back of the seat in front of her, which happens to be the drivers’.

I do a double take, not sure I’ve really just seen her laugh water all over the back of the cab driver’s head, but sure enough, that’s exactly what I just saw. He looks like he’s been hit in the back of the head with a brick, recoils and shoots a nasty look back at us that curtails any thought I had had of laughing. It’s not easy to not laugh when you’re drunk and someone spews water on a cab driver. Luckily for him, he apparently has a towel in the front seat. 10 minutes later as he drops us off, he’s still toweling the back of his head.

At the house party, it’s a smaller crowd, T and Kace, Libby, Sarah, Z and E. But I’m sure the neighbors love them because we continue to drink dance and smoke until about 3:30 in the morning. At this point, I say my goodbyes, head out and pass out, completely and utterly danced out. And for a Saturday night when I set out to dance, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Pictures: Mac and his typical bird pose w/Sonya, a sampling of the patterns I had on Sat night, Jacks and Sue outside Casanova, ChengJ and CoachG's fiancee Erica at City Tavern, the aftermath of Sue's water explosion on the back of the cabby.

The Diamond is Sweet (Fri)

A few months ago, I wrote about the best seat upgrades ever. Well, this one is better.

It’s Friday and I’m already ready already. I head up to the city for the Giants v. D’backs with Mac, get some usual pre-game Beirut and head over to the ballpark. We’re with one of Mac’s college buddies. I’ve got a beer and a hot dog in hand heading towards our bleacher seats when his friend gets a call that his family is in a box somewhere and we’ve been invited to join.

I’ve been in boxes before, they’re pretty sweet. I’ve been all around this ballpark before, it’s pretty awesome. I’ve never been anywhere in the stadium or in any other seats that came close to this experience. It’s called the Diamond Suite and when we knock on the door we figure we’ll be taken up some stairs. The door opens and we’re in the suite.

It’s about 30 feet long and 20 to 30 feet wide with a bathroom, kitchen area and two rows of counterspaces. As we walk in, the climate changes because you’re mostly inside, but the entire front of the box is open to the field, so there’s no loss of the sense that you’re at the game, you’re right there. Apparently, this suite is directly next to the press box, and its directly behind home plate. I’m in awe.

Our hosts are the family members of Mac’s friend who apparently get this suite two or three times a year for when they drive up from Paso Robles. Coming in, Mac and I are a little nervous, but that disappears when we’re warmly welcomed by the entire family and immediately roped into a conversation with the head honcho of it all. We’re told to help ourselves to anything we’d like which includes a table full of mini burgers, hot dogs, chicken wings, salads, pastas, desserts, beer and wine. About twenty minutes into our stay there I discover the bottle of Grey Goose in the freezer and it’s that plus sprite for the rest of the evening.

A few drinks in we get to witness a little piece of history as Bonds hammers home run 750 into the right field arcade.

The Giants still manage to lose.

Think about the hospitality of this family…not only did they invite two perfect strangers into their luxury box, but they made everything available to us and made us feel right at home. That’s one thing. It’s another thing when at the end of the evening, they pack all the leftover food in plastic carry-out boxes that they’ve brought in order to distribute to the homeless people as they leave the ballpark. This family is all out charitable.

After the game ends (10 innings), we reset at Mac’s place and head to City Tavern. We meet up with some trolls there and my night gets turned upside down as I kill a few more rodkas, give a little poem to Marc outside and then spend the rest of the evening attempting to make peace surround me. I’m unsuccessful and end up with a shirt covered in mascara.

Pictures: A view from the Diamond Suite, the packages of food for the homeless, awesome R2-D2 mailbox and Mac with an old high school friend of ours.

Films of June (14)

I started out on a tear this month, and then as usual, other more exciting things got in the way of my cinephilia. But it turned out a good month none the less with some great classics, some new favorites and some very good documentaries. As always, links to the movies in their title.

1: X-Men 3
2: Thumbsucker
4: Time to Leave
6: A Scanner Darkly, Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers
7: Donnie Darko
13: Blood Diamond
14: Boys of Baraka
20: Saved, Fantastic Four 2
25: Sketches of Frank Gehry
26: Marooned in Iraq
27: Treasure of the Sierra Madre
28: Gray Matters