| The Night We Got Ditched Current mood: peaceful Last Friday night, it's time to go out. Mike and Sonya are having couple movie night at the apartment, so it's up to Julian and I to wreak the appropriate havoc. We start with the usual, and it's then that Julian tells me that he hasn't been to the Marina all year and very much wants to go. I'm not excited about it, but figure, hey, it's not that much of a sacrifice, and if we go early, we can leave and go elsewhere (in the back of my mind I'm thinking Med Jool, which is where Victor and Alan are celebrating Victor's girlfriends' friend's birthday party. Say that three times fast.)...but I know it might be a struggle considering that Med Jool was the site of Rex's last outbreak.
We head to City Tavern and you would think Julian was some long lost hero returning home to collect his bounty. The bartenders asking where he's been, pouring shots, the waitresses hugging him and asking about his New Year's. We're there at 9 on a Friday, so it's pretty empty out there, but in my mind we didn't come for the crowd. For a while, Julian is on me to play wingman, but I'm just not feeling it. Then, the bartenders get him so drunk off shots that he doesn't remember to ask me, which helps relief wash over me. I have a few washington apples. Probably the most girly shot available, but that means I'm able to take them, which is a good thing.
We're ready to leave and Brigid shows up. She literally scares the shit out of me when I turn around and do a double take, not sure that it's really her. We tell her we're leaving and she jumps in the cab with us (she loves Med Jool)...
It's about midway through the cab ride, somewhere on Van Ness, that Julian starts having doubts about returning to the club that hosted one of the least favorite nights of his life. He expresses this, and Brigid, immediately afraid that she's going to have to come with me alone to Med Jool, jumps out of the cab at a red light, and gets in one behind us to go home.
We get to Med Jool and I get Julian up to the front door. "Ten dollar cover, and you can't wear your hat," the bouncer tells me. Julian starts to waver and I tell him, "Julian, the cab's right there. You can get back in it, no harm no foul." I don't need to tell him twice, he's already back in the cab.
Inside, I rush up to the roof where I'm sure Alan, Victor and the rest are burning a few trees. I get all the way to the top, come exploding onto the roof to find.....it's empty, dark and there's no one there.
I go back down (making sure to take my Kangol off when there's a security guard around, promptly putting it back on when they leave), and find Alan, Victor, Mark Zaba, Steve Messing and Mike Sefanov on the dance floor with Alla and her friends. Dancing, drinking and debauchery ensue until the club closes and we're flushed into the street.
Once out, it's food time, so we hit Taqueria Cancun, which is amazing...either because it's amazing or because we're drunk as fuck. We get out, and this is when the night gets interesting....we're walking to the car and I pull out a joint...we start smoking it, and all of a sudden Vic's girl Alla gets pissed. I can't really tell what it's about though, considering that I find it impossible that she got mad at Victor of all people for smoking. I mean, c'mon, he's a daily smoker, how can his girlfriend be pissed when he smokes, right? Well, she is...and we get to her car, she unlocks the door, gets in and drives off.
She drives off.
What? (you're thinking)
She drives off.
We're stunned for a few minutes, and then, voila, she drives back around the block and stops about a half block from us. Awesome. She came back.
Actually, she came back just to let her three girlfriends in the car. They get in and she takes off, for good this time. We were supposed to be going back to Vic's, Vic, myself, Alan and the four girls. Instead, we find ourselves stranded in the middle of the Mission. We cab back to Vic's, and I wake up in my sweatpants at Mike's place.
At this point, in the morning, on Mike's couch, I know what had to happen...we smoked at Vic's place, I decided it was time to go, took off and walked back to Mike's place. I get off the couch to put my jeans on to find Victor's wireless computer mouse in my pocket. If anyone has a decent guess as to why I might have taken that particular piece of electronics, do enlighten me.
I get back to Vic's to return the mouse and Alan informs me that indeed, I have it all wrong...Charles showed up, after I was incoherent, and drove me back to Mike's...none of it, obviously, anything I remember.
So I decide to cure my hangover by buying a new digital camera.
The End. |
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