| Suck on THAT! Mr. Meter Maid Current mood: ecstatic Start with 5 games classic Beirut. Add one game of a complete shut out over Cella. Mix with one cab ride to the Marina and you have the beginning of Taco Tuesday at Blue Light. Myself, Mike, Sonya, Julian hop over there, meet up with Brigid, Derek and Mamie. Morty shows up later and the night is a lot of cheap beer (with one foreigner asking me if 4 dollars was a normal price for a Beck's...homey, drink some Corona for 2) and quite a few puffs.
I make a poor decision in secret telling. Then I compound it by actually believing them when someone tells me, "Don't worry, I won't tell, I'll act surprised." Yea, a day later, it's told! But hey. Do I blame the person in question? You bet your ass I don't. I blame me. And alcohol. And an unusually big mouth on the night in question. But it teaches a valuable lesson....what someone says they will do with information BEFORE they know what it is, and what they actually do once they have that information, are two different things. Granted, I probably should have learned this 15 years ago in preschool, but I guess I missed that day cutting class to go to a Giants game or something. Either way, the joke's on me.
Mike and Sonya disappear early. Julian bounces after them, and Brigid is soon to follow. Morty, Damie and myself head outside for a few nice puffs before splitting ways.
**************************************************** THIS PORTION OF THE NIGHT EDITED. FOR AUTHOR'S KNOWLEDGE ONLY. ****************************************************
Sorry about that, but with new FCC regulations and the fact that this site is run by Fox, I don't know what's safe to put on here or not. I jump back in the cab after my stop and head back to Mike's. As he turns the corner, voila, there, behind my car, is the dreaded blinking yellow lights of the meter maid. I've forgotten that as soon as Tuesday ends, Wednesday begins, and when that happens on the street behind Cella's house, it becomes street sweeping and illegal to park there. I got a ticket for this last week, but as with the secret/preschool lesson, I guess I missed this one too.
I throw money at the cab driver and run up, getting my best face on to try to persuade the Meter Maid that indeed, a ticket isn't necessary, but rather just plain mean! I get to the car, and there's no ticket. I peak in the meter maid car and he's.....passed out, sleeping on the steering wheel!!!
I silently unlock my car, get in, start the engine and drive away in one move. He wakes up and follows, but he knows that his time to ticket me has come and gone. That'll teach him to fall asleep on the job.
Coming soon: Weekend Debauchery. |
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