Riding high from Friday night’s amazing seat upgrade and Saturday morning’s wonderful Nini’s, I hit Costco and get a Wii (which I’m still debating opening), some food and sundry items and the Die Hard trilogy. I drop that off at home and am right back in the city for the Giants game again. The game’s a bit earlier Saturday (6 rather than 7pm start) and we get in a bit late. Mac and I sit with MikeG and Erica until the 6th inning when the people that have our seats show up for the game and want to sit down. Welcome to the game punks!
Mac and I reload our drinks at the bar, see Brig and finish out the game in the bleachers. The game is uneventful aside from the fact that the Giants actually pull it together and win, and the four of us are back for more Beirut after the game. ChengJ and Mac find out they have a new apartment which was a huge relief considering they were due out of their current one in two weeks and still hadn’t found a replacement. You can soon find the new pregame in the Marina. With this in mind, we’re out to City once more where we meet up with Marc and his unbelievably cool new iphone. I withdraw from the group and spend about 20 minutes messing around with it at the bar because it’s so damn cool. Marc regularly swipes it from my hands and plays keep away before handing it back to me.
I’ve been talking with Jacks (formerly Glasses) for about three weeks about dancing, and tonight’s the night. MikeG and Erica agree to give me a ride down to the Mission to spare me the cab and I hop out to Casanova where I meet up with Jacks and Sue. We decide there just isn’t enough to dance to there and head over to Delirium.
Now this place was sweet. It’s part bar, part pool hall and part dance floor. It’s packed with your standard Mission crowd of drunk partiers, serious pool players, crazy hipsters and others who have just stopped in for a drink. We get ours and head straight for the dance floor which is hidden in the back, just a tad crowded, but crazy and ready to explode. As we step in, Jacks gets attacked by this girl who’s drenched in sweat and looks like a good commercial for an anti-ecstasy campaign. She clearly knows Jacks, and Jacks clearly has no idea who the hell she is. But she’s all over her. I’m not sure whether I’m supposed to step in and break this particular rendezvous up or step back and let Queen Roller take over on downs. I decide on a cautious mix of dancing near in case help is needed, but letting her handle herself for a bit. Sue and I dance a bit out of the way.
I grab round two and this girl has stepped up the ante. I come back to the floor and get left for a bit when I start dancing with a girl who’s meandered over. She keeps creeping in a bit closer, and I keep stepping back. It makes for an interesting dance to say the least. At this point, everyone has thrown the rules to the wind as the dance floor becomes an impromptu smoking lounge. I manage to refrain from sparking up a J, but only just barely. I’m feeling every song, even the ones that I don’t usually, and we dance until two to close the place down.
When we leave, we decide to catch a cab over to Divis and Haight for a house party going on there. But before we get there, I witness one of the most hilarious moments I’ve ever been a part of. The cab is myself, Jacks and Sue. We get in and someone has brought a bottle of water along. We start working on that, and its when Sue has a big gulp of water in her mouth that Jacks and I pass a few humorous words between us while talking about the girl that harassed Jacks at the bar, and she starts laughing, in the process blowing the entire gulp of water out of her mouth and onto the back of the seat in front of her, which happens to be the drivers’.
I do a double take, not sure I’ve really just seen her laugh water all over the back of the cab driver’s head, but sure enough, that’s exactly what I just saw. He looks like he’s been hit in the back of the head with a brick, recoils and shoots a nasty look back at us that curtails any thought I had had of laughing. It’s not easy to not laugh when you’re drunk and someone spews water on a cab driver. Luckily for him, he apparently has a towel in the front seat. 10 minutes later as he drops us off, he’s still toweling the back of his head.
At the house party, it’s a smaller crowd, T and Kace, Libby, Sarah, Z and E. But I’m sure the neighbors love them because we continue to drink dance and smoke until about 3:30 in the morning. At this point, I say my goodbyes, head out and pass out, completely and utterly danced out. And for a Saturday night when I set out to dance, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Pictures: Mac and his typical bird pose w/Sonya, a sampling of the patterns I had on Sat night, Jacks and Sue outside Casanova, ChengJ and CoachG's fiancee Erica at City Tavern, the aftermath of Sue's water explosion on the back of the cabby.
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