My evenings usually do pretty well when they start out with a trip to Beirut. So when Chaz suggests that we start playing at 6, I'm a little nervous, a little excited, and not at all drunk. Over the next three hours between myself, Hessica, one of her friends and Chaz, the nervous goes away, the excitement gets ramped up, and the idea of playing Beirut with mixed drinks in the cups instead of beer goes a long way towards getting me ready to go. At 9, Glace shows up from work to take the faded Chaz home to shower and clean up before we head to the city. At 10:30, I'm still waiting for them to come back.
Once I'm picked up, we head into the city for round 2 of Morty and JK's birthday celebration. This time it's bar style at 83 Proof in the SOMA. And if I thought Friday night was a high school reunion, I wasn't even close to prepared for Saturday...All of the same people from Friday make reappearances, added to that is Tara, who, I didn't know for the past two months since I've met her that she went to San Mateo as well, Chris Y, who I don't think I've seen since graduation, Seiff, Maurit, and more. At a little after 12ish I think it's time to do some dancing, I convince Jarles of the same and we head over to the Rickshaw on Van Ness and Fell.
We're moving there to meet up with Jacks, Za, McButter, Margo, Hayley and Ev. But when we get there, the bouncer wants a cover. It's almost 1 at this point and there's no way that I'm paying a cover for an hour of dancing. I call Za, tell her the story, and in two minutes she's out talking to the bouncer who nods and waves us in. Another vote for the "who you know" train of thought. Inside, it's packed, about 200 degrees and full of sweaty people dancing everywhere. Almost every drink I have is spilled on or around me, and after about 15 minutes of dancing, I'm drenched, literally drenched in sweat. I'm using my tshirt to wipe my forehead and the back of my shirt is soaked through. I make a mental note that I can't feel my toe.
As they're closing the club, I'm in the street with the rest burning. No troubles there, although I think just about everyone out there knows where it's coming from. It's at this moment that I remember my card and open tab, which I'm grateful and quite frankly stunned that I manage to do. It's now time for a Crepe stand run.
We're waiting on some crepes when two girls approach two other girls and a fight almost ensues. As their voices raise, the crepe guy looks out of his cart and snaps at them to move it along. One girl looks on the verge of tears while her friend tells the other two to fuck off. I think I'm going to see my second brawl of the month, but it settles and they move along. Then I get involved in my first brawl of the month.
As Chaz drives us home, Glace decides to ruthlessly attack me in the backseat, attempting to cause bodily harm and in the process steal my hat. I manage to subdue her, but the caged beast that she is, she starts biting and scratching and trying to take the hat. It takes some serious rib tickles and a good deal of wrist grabs to get her settled and back into the front seat. I wake up this morning with scratches and several sore spots that I wonder about the origin of until I remember this whole biting thing. Next time I'll just try knocking her unconscious.
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