After all the hit and miss attempts on Friday night, Saturday went exactly as planned. After falling asleep during the slam dunk contest, I wake up around 9:30 realizing that I need to make something of myself before it becomes too late. A shave and shower does the trick and I'm on my way up shortly after 10, rodka in tow. First stop is with E at the I...feels like we've been missing each other consistently, so even though we're both close to stone sober on the first stop, it's good to see him.
A few weeks ago, I was out with him and a dancer came up to me. She asked me my name, and when I told her, she said, "My name is ____, but sometimes I go by Eve." Luckily, before I had to be mean or rude (I really don't want to talk, but feel like an ass saying so), E showed up and she shooed off. Well, she comes up to me again on Saturday night and asks me my name. I ask her hers, and when she tells me, I say, "but last time you told me it was Eve." This is my attempt at humor. It doesn't work. She actually gets offended, those last struggling braincells convinced that I've "confused her with someone else." I'm laughing the whole thing off until she snaps in my face and goes crazy about how I don't know her, I'm putting her down, etc, etc, etc. I tell her, "I apologize, I confused you with someone else." She glares at me. I tell her again, "I apologize, what more would you like?" At this point I put on the stone, "this is all you're going to get from me" face, and she finally leaves. I tell E when he returns that he's no longer allowed to leave me alone in there.
Now I'm two drinks deep, over the scene, and getting repeated texts from Za telling me to get down to Jet Setter at the Cat Club. I jump in my car and drive back that way, and upon showing up, it's Za and McButter, T and Tr, Margot, Lina from the Carol and someone I hadn't met before, Kramer. We immediately adjourn to the smoking alley. Kramer likes my cigarette case...then loves it when I get it opened. Twenty minutes later, after claiming to want to dance, we get inside, look around and find that Za and McButter are nowhere to be found. I get a text that they left, which they apparently did without telling anyone because they knew they would be heckled if they had. Kramer tells me, "c'mon, didn't you know that lesbian couples turn into pumpkins at 12:15?" The rest of us head to the hip-hop room. When I ask Kramer if she could use a drink, if she'd like a shot, and she says yes, her refusal to name what kind only ends with a shot of Patron. On the second round, I ask the bartender to pour two shots...1 of them split into two shot glasses. She hands us three full shots. Great.
Back in the alley, this woman keeps intimating that she's "down" with my smoking, telling me she's, "got my back," and then flipping out when a guy who works at the bar comes through the alley telling people it's time to finish the drinks and head home. I'm on water at this point, so it's no big deal, and I palm the rest of the j. She gives me a thumbs up sign. Kramer looks at me with a "who the fuck is this chick?" look on her face. I have no idea. We're kicked out at that point and I drop off T and Tr and Lina from the Carol before heading home. Up next...Skylark for some Monday mayhem!
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