Monday, November 27, 2006

4 Days of Thanksgiving

Monday, November 27, 2006

4 Days of Thanksgiving
Current mood: full

So wow, do I have a lot to be thankful for! I have so much to be thankful for that last week, I not only had one amazing Thanksgiving dinner, I had four! And a birthday dinner for my sister to top it off. Here's the breakdown of one of the best food weeks ever....

Night: Tuesday
Location: 18th and Noe, San Francisco
Hosts: Tamara/Aliza
Company: Tamara, Alize, Christina, Carolina, Kat-tastic, Zena, Tiffany, Carly, Jackie, Bryona, myself +6-8 others (I can't remember 14 new names all in the same evening!)
Chef: Chef Sexy
Menu: Turkey, homemade stuffing, carrot mashers, mashed potatoes, gravy, orange-cranberry sauce, salad w/lettuce, candied walnuts, feta cheese.

Night: Wednesday
Location: 617 Marseille, Half Moon Bay
Hosts: Brett and Kathleen
Company: Dad, Kathleen, Nick, Kelsey, me.
Chef: Dad of course!
Menu: Butternut squash soup w/crab meat, potato casserole w/gargonzola cheese, steak.

Night: Thursday
Location: 2150 St. Andrews, Half Moon Bay
Hosts: Patrick and Mom
Company: Mom, Patrick, Kelsey, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Sue, Emily, Sean, myself.
Chef: Patrick, Mom
Menu: Turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, ham rolls, carmelized brie, green beans, stuffing, ice cream, pumpkin pie.

Night: Friday
Location: 626 Occidental, San Mateo
Hosts: The Feinns
Company: Phillip, Cameron, Joe, Sandy, Sandie, Patrick, Jessie, Charles, Derek P., Emily, Sean, Kelsey, myself
Chef: Cameron and Phillip
Menu: Crab, guacamole (appetizers), Butternut squash soup, baked potatoes, prime rib, pumpkin pie, chocolate pecan pie.

Night: Saturday
Location: House of Prime Rib, Van Ness, San Francisco
Hosts: Patrick and Mom
Company: Patrick, Mom, Emily, Sean, Kelsey, Jessie, myself (Happy Birthday Emily!!)
Chef: House of Prime Rib of course!
Menu: salad, yorkshire pudding, creamed spinach, mashed potatoes, prime rib.

Now if that's not a week of eating to be thankful for, I don't know what is! Thank you to all the hosts and chefs that made my Thanksgiving not a day but a week!

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