Damn what a crazy weekend! I don't know where to begin, but I'm told that in such situations, the beginning usually works, so I'll try that. (keep in mind also that names may look strangely spelled, or not be a person's real name. I'm not drunk or stoned, I'm just trying to maintain the same level of privacy for others that I have created for myself in this blog)
My weekend begins at 5pm with free margaritas at a title company for "Cuatro de Mayo" I walk in, professionally shake hands with people, unprofessionally down three margaritas as fast as humanly possible (almost losing my eye to implosion due to brain freeze), and leave.
I jet to the city where I meet up with BX (roommates, obviously) and we head out. We meet up with T (not yet Tito) and Windy and head out to the bars in the Castro. Before that, a drunk Windy and myself decide that the mandarin oranges on the table would be great for Windy to show me how to juggle. Subsequently, they're all eventually mush.
When we leave the apt, they tell me we're going to Transfer, which confuses me a little bit, as I can't figure out why four girls would want to go to a gay bar. I mean, I've already been, no biggie, but why now?
When we get there, I understand. It's CockBlock, a women's party. Now, I must say, that this is the most interesting party I've been to lately. Not because it's a women's party, not because of anything cool or unusual that happens there, but because the last time I was at this venue, it was an all guy's night, and this time it was an all girl's night. Probably one of the cooler perspectives I've had at an SF bar, seeing the same venue twice for opposite events.
I wake up hung over and naked. Thankfully, I'm not in a gutter. I shower, put on clothes and go to the Giants game where I watch Barry Bonds rake the first pitch he sees into deep center field.
I leave the game and have my tattoo consult. It goes well. Appointment set up for Friday.
Thankfully, Xena gives me permission to shower at her place before the Cinco de Mayo party, which saves me an hour roundtrip back to my apartment. I feel clean and cute once more, even though that second one is largely debatable by the masses.
That's when the real fun begins. Tito shows up mixing famous margaritas, Chef Sexy brings her A-game with carne asada, crema, salsa and other munchables, and Xena, Za and I agree to throw down to buy the De la Hoya v. Mayweather fight, which I'd been thinking about all week after watching 24/7. The usual suspects all show up as the night wears on, although the fight leaves many disappointed because they're rooting for Oscar, I personally just wanted to see a good fight and definitely feel that's what we got.
The drinks keep flowing, the smoke keeps blowing, and people keep showing. Lina from Carol has the sleek preppy golf course look going on, and Za and I get into a ten minute conversation that centers around being proud of being a troll. You know what?! We are fucking trolls, and proud of it!!
The night ends early, as Xena's parties typically tend to do, but not before I've met Tito and Julio, and gotten another good conversation in with Jackie. In celebration and commemoration of Cinco de Mayo, find attached pictures of trolls in various modes of party.
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