Following the eventful, family and food filled Thanksgiving week, Friday was the time to start the Christmas season with the annual trip to House of Prime Rib and Beach Blanket Babylon.
For those that don't know, House of Prime is one of the best restaurants for prime rib in the city. You start with a great salad, prime rib of course, Yorkshire pudding, mashed potatoes and creamed spinach. Hessica manages to spill twice during the meal (a glass of wine and my lemon drop), and we make it out in perfect time to head over to the Fugazi for BBB.
BBB is a satirical musical revue centered on Snow White's search for a prince in San Francisco and beyond. What's cool is that this has been a tradition for years, and now Shawna of our high school days is playing the lead. It makes the entire production a much more enjoyable experience when you know the star. After the performance, she comes out to say hello.
As we're talking, a woman walks up, slightly drunk, having just seen the show, and wonders if she can smoke a cigarette around us. We tell her no problem and she goes in on how fun the show was, did we need any tickets for the next show, she had some she wasn't going to use. All this time, Shawna is standing there in her stage make-up trying to blend in. Suddenly, the woman recognizes her and shrieks, "You're Snow White!!!" and goes celebrity star-struck on us. She's asking for Shawna to get on their party bus and say something to the group, but being polite, she declines, "I'm just talking to my friends right now."
But I'm not going to let her politeness in talking to us stop her from continued fame and success. I say, "Shawna, we can talk to you all the time, say something to the people, they love you!" So she gets on the bus and thanks them for coming, rewarding them with her signature Snow White laugh. Priceless.
After the show, we head to ChengJ's apartment for pre-gaming activities with Gw, D (of -amie), Hessica, Sis, her friend Kara and myself, where we get into a spirited put down and ridicule session of Soulja Boy's Crank Dat dance. We've all read a blog about it and seen accompanying videos, and for the rest of the evening amuse ourselves by making fun of the following people/things, not necessarily in this order:
1) Soulja Boy
2) Anyone that listens seriously to Soulja Boy
3) Anyone who has memorized his dance, for any reason
4) Anyone that would spend time actually researching and writing about the artist/song/dance for any reason
5) The state of pop music in general and mainstream rap specifically
Needless to say, the catch phrase for the evening is, "Superman THAT, ho!" We head out to Circa where the crowd is swanky and I'm actually surprised there isn't any cover. Inside, continuing to make fun of everything around us, we get the DJ to play the Soulja Boy song so I can record Sis's friend doing the dance in the middle of the bar. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone but our group gets the idea that we're mocking, not supporting the song. Also unfortunately, I have continued my habit of videotaping things in very poor lighting (it's not my fault if all the things worth having on film happen in the dark!), so the video of her doing this dance is garbage. Afterwards, we head over to City Tavern to close the place down. The evening ends with a trip to Jack in the Box.
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