Long the forgotten better sibling of The Simpsons, Futurama packed powerful comedic punches mixed in with a good amount of satire and parody aimed at our present from the distant future of the year 3000. Bender, Fry, Leela, Hermes, Amy, the Professor and Zoidberg are but a few of the characters that, on an intelligent humor level, far surpass anything Fox has put on since.
And then, it was canceled. With a futuristic setting and comedy that asks a little more attention and understanding from its viewers than a fat man hurting himself and yelling "D'oh", Futurama was unable to gain the following of the Simpsons due to being relatively new, and unable to match Family Guy in lowbrow high school vulgar humor focused on dick and fart jokes. Gag me. It never got past season 4. To this day though, I'll re-watch the episodes because of how hilarious they continue to be. Hearing Fry lament, "I can't wait til I'm old enough to feel ways about stuff," and Bender cry, "Who knew that playing God would have such horrible consequences?" are lines that never get old, and succinctly sum-up the type of humor the show was known for.
And now, it's back. Thanks to the creators and folks at both Fox and Cartoon Network, the show has been resurrected in the form of multiple straight to DVD movies, the first of which, Bender's Big Score, came out on Tuesday, the next of which is due sometime in early 2008. If you want to read the CNN article, you can find it here. If you're just looking to buy, go here!
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