When an evite list has 900 RSVPs on it, you know the party is either going to a) Get broken up within two hours, b) have no one show up because they're worried it'll be too crowded or c) will be the best party of the year. I know, I know, you're going to say that we're only in month 11/12 for the year, so how can this be the best? Well, you have PS and his friend Ams celebrating joint birthday parties on a Saturday night in a warehouse.
Night starts with me watching USC beat up on Cal. Doesn't get much sweeter than that. Watching it with Za, her brother (another USC student), McButter and Doyle, we're amped and a little faded by the time the game ends. Lucky for us, Maurod the Cabbie is out and about and takes us right to the party, despite the fact that we all have drinks in hand and there's five us us for the backseat. We get the j going and it's perfect timing by the time we pull up.
They've got a few guys working the door, and when we get in it's obvious that the warehouse is huge and if they can avoid the cops coming, the party will go all night. They've got the guest list and are checking peoples' names against their ids inside. There's an area to the left of the front door that has a large screen playing Baraka. This quickly becomes the smoking area. To the right is the dance/drink area with the stage set-up. By the time we get there at 10, the place is already packed, and it stays that way up until I make it out of there at 2.
A huge mixing table and numerous kegs throughout the warehouse make getting a drink easy, and by the time the bands start playing, the fade is on. McButter, Za and her brother have to leave early because apparently they tried to drink/smoke a bit too fast. This leaves me with Topher, ChengJ and a few others. As the party goes on, people leave, people arrive, but the warehouse is consistently full. The bands get peoples' attention and for a party where I'm sure there are numerous different genres listened to, it goes over surprisingly well.
It's after a majority of our friends have left and Topher and I are standing around that we realize, having kept drinking steadily and even sneaking him something to breathe on, we're beyond the point of being useful. It's around two at this point and we've run into virtually everyone we know at some point, blown several good opportunities to meet new people (if anyone knows Amy that listens to Metallica when she runs, I've been looking), and I've blown through seven js. At two, we understand that we're not going to be able to pull a recovery, so we head outside.
There, waiting for a cab to show up, we find a girl waiting for a cab to go to the Marina. I call Maurod, and he shows up right as a cab does. At this point, I'm extremely glad I can jump in Maurod's car and send Topher off to meet his destiny. I hear later that it could have, but did not, lead to anything.
The ride with Maurod leaves me at Za's place, drunk, spinning and hungry. Luckily for me, they live next to a 7-11. After ringing the bell for several minutes and finally getting someone to come down and let me in, I find the keys that Za gave me as she left the party in my back pocket. I sit down, try to control my spinning and eat a spicy dog with some water. T, Marge and Windy get back from their party at this point, and I make it about another thirty minutes before I go to sleep. On the floor. In their hallway.
Congratulations go to PS and his lady friend for throwing an amazing party. I'm told that the cops broke it up around 4:30. And yes, it was the party of the year thus far. Next up...Beirut Tournament.
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