| Human Pinball Current mood: good That's right. I'm a human pinball. I thought my secret was safe, but it's out now. Shit. Don't tell anyone.
My evening starts with......say it with me people.....beirut. But later this time, like 9. I get spun like a top by Julian who has managed to find his groove since Friday night. He's kinda like Stella in that regard. It's time to bounce and we're heading to Royale for his friends birthday party, with my plan to rendezvous with Derek and Mamie afterwards at Slide for a model send off. As we get there, Chris Reich comes out and I can't believe they let a guy like that in there. I almost left right then and there. But he convinced me that he wasn't so bad so I stuck around.
I'm looking around, and I swear I see Cathy. Like, I'm positive that I see Cathy. I tell Julian this and he says, "you're too drunk. Cathy's not here." But damn, this girl looks just like Cathy. I yell out, "Hey! Cathy!" but don't get any response. Julian says, "You jack ass, I told you so."
I pull out my phone, and call Cathy. I watch as this girl pulls out her phone and picks up. "Cathy. Turn around." She gets this confused look on her face and turns around. "You are not looking at me right now!" "Cathy, turn around. The other way." She finally sees me and comes over and I get to laugh at Julian for calling me the idiot. Like I don't know what Cathy looks like or something. We step outside to blaze (to which I drunkenly forget to invite Chris) and she tells me that she loves my blogs but that they're too long and she usually just skims for interesting tidbits. As you can tell, I've made her a character in this one so she'll have to read it to see if I talk shit. A tense moment passes as a police officer crawls by at about 5 mph, looking at us. I take another hit. They continue driving.
I get to meet her boyfriend, which is nice. I've heard so much about this guy, finally putting face to name works. At this point, I know it's gotta be time to head to Slide, and sure enough, Derek calls me. However, instead of saying meet us over there, he tells me that Black Out Mamie is back in full effect and he has to take her home. So now I'm SOL on that plan, but remember that I'd been texting with Aliza before I got to Royale. She tells me to come down to Folsom and 8th and meet up with her, so I'm game (I'm not going to end up in the Marina, that's for damn sure).
I get in the cab and tell him to take me to Folsom and 8th. He looks at me and says, "Why do you want to go there?" Now, I may be new to the whole cab game, but I don't think I've ever been asked what my intention was for going to an address. I want to ask him if he won't take me if I don't have a good enough reason. I tell him I'm trying to get to the Cat Club? I think that's what it's called. He looks at me again and goes, "but why would you want to go there?" I"m beginning to think he's playing some sort of joke on me, like when Mike drunkenly tried to convince the Cleveland cab driver to go pick up Sonya in San Francisco, insisting that he would pay him any amount of money.
I tell him I'm meeting some friends and he says, "you might be the only guy there." I say, "there's a lot of girls?" "It's all girls." So I tell him..."Sounds like my kinda place!" and he goes, no no, it's a Lesbian bar. Now, Aliza hadn't mentioned this to me, but I mean, given the fact that I was going to meet Aliza, I did kinda figure that's where I was going, so I'm not all that shocked by this. He asks me, "do you still want to go?" "Dude, I've got people waiting there for me! Take me there." This is starting to get mildly annoying, but he gets me there without further ado, and sure enough, as I step out on the curb, I'm not seeing a whole lot of guys, which is cool, because I only like guys that I'm friends with anyways. One girl goes, "Are you in the right place?" to which I respond "That depends. Is this the Cat Club?" "yes." "Then I'm in the right place!"
Thankfully, I find Tamara and Wendy out front smoking cigarettes, and Wendy, super cool as she is, walks right past the line and in, also courtesy of her hand stamp. Then she looks at me like, "come on, let's go!" like I can just walk past the line too. This doesn't feel right though, so I wait in line with Tamara who tells me that that's just the measure of Wendy's ultimate coolness. I really should be used to it already.
We head inside and this place is tiiight! First off, it's huge. The ceilings are high, so even though there's a ton of people in it, it doesn't feel cramped. The crowd is amped and the variety of people is something only truly appreciated by someone who's into people watching and the connections of social interactions. I'm not the only guy. Which is cool, cause guys are chill. Wait, didn't that contradict something I said earlier? Gotta look into that...The place is split into two rooms, an 80s, dancy pop room, and a hip-hop room. The bartenders are fast and furious.
Dancing, drinking and hilarity ensues. I get us outside for the ritualistic joint, which, as it did the other night starts putting people (and by people I mean Aliza) under the table. I actually get asked to walk a bit more away from the door, which is a first. But the bouncer didn't tell me to put it out.
After we finish the joint, to my utmost delight, there's a hot dog vendor, SC style with the bacon wrapped, jalapenos and everything else on it. Between Wendy, T, Aliza, Jackie and myself I think we eat 6 or 7. Nightcap of champions.
Cab ride home anyone? |
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