February 24, 2007
Cell Phone Stupidity
Current mood: grateful
"Adam, wake up."
"go away."
"Adam, wake up. You need to go to the city."
This is Jessie poking me. "Call Eddy, in the city, he has your phone." I'm not sure how that happened. I better retrace my steps. I'm not wearing my clothes, so at least I know I got them off before getting in bed.
My shoes are in the bathroom, that's a good sign that I brushed my teeth. I remember coming in from the garage, I think I was singing, and Jessie was telling me to be quiet.
She drove us home. We walked back to the car from Mike's place after I went up there to get my backpack and ipod. I had gone up after the cab dropped us off. Shit. There goes my phone.
The cab picked us up after I had finished my bacon wrapped hot dog with everything on it. That hot dog was pretty special. Especially the bacon. I thought I was dying and being reborn all at the same time.
We got the hot dogs after I stumbled out the front door of the side entrance to the upstairs part of the Cat Club. I finished my drink after I ordered it and talked to some people. Before that, four girls molested me in the back room, taking seductive pictures with me. They do this with so much glee and energy that the only thing I can think of is they're trying to get photos with a random guy to make an ex boyfriend jealous. This all happened after I came out of the bathroom, where I didn't throw up.
I had been in the bathroom giving myself a pep talk. My stomach wanted to get rid of the tequila I had put in it, and my mind was telling me that this was a poor idea. I found my way there after almost tripping down the stairs in a hazy fog. I had been up in an office when everyone was ready, locked and poured the tequila shots.
It was great tequila, or so it must have been by the way everyone raved when the owner of the building pulled it out. This guy was tight as hell. Of all the people I could imagine owning the building that the Cat Club is in, I don't know that I would have pictured a fortyish year old asian guy with hair down to his shoulders. Good old Patrick.
Patrick knows Goo and David, whose birthday party we were there celebrating. The upper room there I usually not available, or very expensive to rent out. In fact, Patrick says that they rarely open it out to anyone but their good friends, and obviously, as we're partying there, Goo and David qualify. I got the pleasure of sitting next to him after he waved me to the chair and told me to have a seat. Everyone there had followed for the joint. I swear, sometimes I feel like the pied piper for pot heads. Patrick says to spark that. He doesn't hit it, but I must say that smoking in the building owner's office upstairs was pretty awesome.
I had been looking for a place to smoke when David told me to follow him upstairs. I had just come from talking to Jessie's co-worker Murray, who I briefly considered chucking into a brick wall. I knew that this type of rage would not go unpunished, and headed away from him.
We're three drinks or so deep when the Jessie work crowd shows up…Robin, Murray and some others. D-amie, Charles and the rest are already there. Go go dancers shake that shit as I finish my first drink at the bar.
I walk up the stairs very confused. I've been to the Cat Club, but since when is there a separate entrance to go to an upstairs bar? Since when is there an upstairs bar for that matter?
The cab drops us off at the corner and Jessie and I head for the club. There's two lines, and I can tell from the drunk straight guys waiting by the second door that that's the birthday party we're looking for.
We walk to the bart station to catch a cab. It's fucking freezing out.
We tidy up Mike and Julian's place after our last game of Beirut. I amuse myself by arranging the empties to spell out "JC" on the counter. Either they'll think Jesus is sending them a message or they'll know that I have much love for Julian.
Mike, Sonya, Julian and Sean leave to head out to some bar somewhere. I can't get more detailed than this as I have no idea where they went.
We play a few games of Beirut after I park my car.
Jessie and I leave the house about 8 o'clock to head up to the city. Rockstar/vodka in hand for the ride.
So let me tell you about the night I lost my phone.
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