Tuesday, February 13, 2007
 | Throwin Bows (Saturday) Current mood: cold Saturday was probably the most sluggish I've been on an evening out lately. A hung over Saturday teamed up with a ridiculously large Nini's breakfast put me pretty much under the table all day. I had to rally at 6 to go to the housewarming party for the couple I bought the condo for. They've created in an incredible home, and it was excellent to know I played a huge role in that process.
As a result though, I get to the city late and start beirut late, and the food at the housewarming didn't really agree with my drinking agenda. It takes me two red bull vodkas, a lot of heckling from Charles to get my game face on, and that doesn't even happen til around 11. We've accompanied Julian and his friend to City, and we both start getting antsy to go.
He calls up Will and we hop in a cab to the Mission to meet up with him, his roommate, and his girlfriend Carew (sorry if I'm butchering that). We head out to the Elbo Room, another venue I hadn't been to before, and this place was tight. Pool table, packed lower floor, and a room upstairs we elected not to go to for virtue of saving cover.
Charles and I sit there, and see Will's roommate talking to a girl, so we don't want to interrupt. We spend five minutes chatting about his chances, what's going down, and how the girl looks a lot like Will's girlfriend. It isn't until we walk over to kick it with him that we realize it is and feel like we've had the dumbest conversation for ten minutes.
We stay out until about two, cab it back from Will's, and you can get the lack of craziness in the night by the fact that we drove home from Mike's when we got there. It was a good, fun, relaxed evening in comparison to the insanity that was Friday.
In other news, I got my HD tivo in and connected. Tivo helped free me from the family room, but I still had a teather when it came to HD. Now, the leashes have all been cut, and I'll never, ever, not even for an HD sporting event, need to stay home again if I have something better to do. Not that I made any sort of habit of that before, but now it's all out the window and all bets are off.
If you or anyone you know wants to buy my old Tivo, I'm offering a fantastic deal on it, so get at me. In the meanwhile, prepare for Friday night debauchery. |
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