| Days of Hearts and Flowers Current mood: working Yesa, I'm speaking about Valentine's Day. I'm speaking of that day of days when all the sad sap relationships that haven't had any romance in ten years break out the flowers and candy to try to rekindle it all again. I'm speaking of the day where relationships freshly budding find more stomach butterflies to lift them up on gossamer wings of the giddy feeling that only that feeling can give you. It's the day when shit gets ruined if it doesn't go well, things go up if it does, and others stay stagnant if they're simply moving sideways. Finally, it's the day for the single people of the world to do one of two things...wallow in their misery and sorrow and cry for themselves, or go out and have a great time because they're not spending money or worrying about shit but themselves.
Personally speaking, I see a few sides to Valentine's Day. I've been in relationships during, I've been single during, and I also try to keep the third eye looking at the fact that seriously, it's a great consumer day for selling more in between Christmas and Easter.
So this Valentine's Day, I tried to think about the last few. Although it seems like a year since my last relationship, it's not even close to that long, so I count back a few and realize that this is my first single Vday in 4 years. I feel like I should have some sort of graduation party to dance in the street. I know that the best person for this type of dancing is probably Aliza. The plan is to get a few games of beirut in before meeting her somewhere in the mission, but on the drive up 101, I find myself next to Wolfklain. We pull a talk on cell phone while driving next to each other move that certainly has those behind us ticked, and when I ask what he's doing tonight, he tells me that he was just about to call his ex girlfriend. GREAAAAT Idea I tell him. Come with me instead.
We get to the Mission, La Rondella is the destination for margaritas. Try them there, they're strong. The three of us then migrate, but there's a bit of a problem...Tyler keeps trying to lead us places and all his moves are wrong. I think secretly that in the back of his brain a late night ex girlfriend call is on his mind, and he's leading us blindly to a slaughtered evening. He takes us to Blondie's, which for as pleasant as the bartender is is pretty dead. We have a few drinks and then get the word that T and the rest are at the Lex.
Now, I have a funny relationship with the Lex. It stands for the Lexington Club, down in the mission. I first heard about it when I saw a bulletin board post asking for people to do a survey about it. I thought lex might stand for something I had tried, so I got two questions in and when I said, no, I hadn't been to the Lexington Club, the survey was over. Ooops.
So my chance finally arrived to visit the infamous lesbian bar, and I was impressed with how chill it was. It's got a pool table, spacious bar, attentive bartenders, and you didn't feel like you were constantly elbowing for room for yourself. Maybe this had something to do with the fact that it was a Wednesday night, but it was good. There's no glares of "what are you doing here, you're out of place," just a good relaxed atmosphere. T, their new roommate Rene(e?), Julia and some other girls were there. Now, the funny part is that Tyler, who last weekend (blog "Transfers") took me to a gay bar, get's alllll uncomfortable at the lesbian bar. Someone tell me what that bullshit's about.
Charles shows up a little later in the evening to meet everyone, and Christina follows. The amusing part of the evening is when T and Aliza's new roommate wants to leave and I tell her she should stay and be entertained, and if I can't keep her entertained for 2 minutes, she can go. Before she has a chance to question this, I start talking...real animated, questions, answers, hand gestures, comments about the bar and my evening in general...I get to the end and I look at her and say, "guess what? I just entertained you for 120 seconds." She sticks around after that, and damn if I'm not stoked that two of the coolest girls I know have an awesome roommate.
We leave the bar to hit Taqueria Cancun, steak and sour cream burrito, what what! After that, it's a morning hung over car ride back to the Peninsula.
Tune in this weekend for the party event of the year, The Grown Ass Man Party. |
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