| Drunk, Stood Up, Fed and Crazy Current mood: bouncy Wow. That's all I have to say this morning. Wow. That was a doozy of a night. Probably one of the more random, drawn out and surprising evenings of the last six months. I'm not sure where to begin, so I guess I have to start with this....if you're with me, and I need to go meet up with someone, either don't go, or don't allow me to go. I apparently have wretched luck with people telling me to meet them places and then leaving before I get there, or right when I get there.
I guess this all starts on Tuesday with an IM from Erin. She says the blogs are fun and she and some girlfriends need to have a good time out and wanted to know if they could tag along with me. Now, the way she says this, it sounds to me like they're coming up for the city night with me experience, so I feverishly start working on a plan for the evening. There's tons of things going down, so it doesn't look like it will be too hard to do some mass hopping for the evening.
However, then I find out that "tag along with you," actually means, "we're going to dinner in the city and might try to meet up with you"...two very different things, but I think, hey, that's cool, saves me planning an evening for girls!
So you might expect me to jump into starting with beirut at this point. Not the case. I actually start earlier, at 5, at Tres Agaves in the city. Margaritas at happy hour with Julian's work buddies. From there, I hit McD's for a quick snack and then head to Mike's place where we start beirut at around 7.
Derek shows up around 8 or so and we keep playing until a little later, 9 or 10ish, and then head out. We're in the process of looking for a cab when Charles picks up his cell phone and is actually just minutes away, nay, seconds, as he turns the corner and picks us up. We head out to North Beach for Miller's housewarming party.
Props to Miller on this new place...it's huge, beautifully redone hardwood floors, small balcony, updated kitchen, immaculate. It's a no heels party, so girls are taking off their shoes and putting on little slipper things. It's at this point that the rampant text messaging starts, and where I learn the lesson I should have learned with Brandon last week...don't go someplace in the city just because someone says they're there. They won't be by the time you make it there.
Charles and Derek are ready to bounce, so we decide to head to Dolce where Erin and her group is. Big mistake. After walking blocks to get there, we get in line and the text message reads, "we're not at dolce anymore, we're at Boss," wherever the fuck that is. Charles laughs at me for once again being stood up, first by Brandon last week at Zebra/Velvet, and this time by Erin. He wants to be absolutely certain that I'm not intending a trip across town to Boss. I assure him that this will not be happening. We head instead to Fuse where we get a drink or two (at this point, I really have no idea), and Charles and Derek are ready to go. But Charles' car is one way, Derek's place another, and Mike's, where my car is, in a third. I tell Charles to go ahead and take Derek home, I'll catch a cab.
This is not as easy as I might have anticipated. Every cab has someone in it. Every cabbie I know isn't driving. I start walking. Now, keep in mind I'm around the strip clubs in North Beach...I light my joint and keep walking. And walking. And walking. My trek takes me through downtown, across Market and I end up in front of the Gold Club. At this point it's around 2:30 am or so, I call Victor thinking that he might be home to smoke a joint. He's actually a block away from Gold Club with his crew of merry pranksters. Their intent...breakfast at the strip club. Now, at this point, I'm too faded too say no, but I'm also too faded to understand why we don't end up going in. I think they might have stopped serving food, and everyone had to eat.
Instead we head to Mel's. I order a patty melt and a vanilla malt. The girl across from me, with some name Biata or something (I think she said Miata with a B?) tries to take most of it. I inform her this will not be happening as I hover over my food like a guardian troll. We finish eating, and big money bags Simon at the end of the table tells us about this game that he likes to play. Credit card roulette. You put everyone's credit card in, and have the waitress draw them randomly behind her back. The last card in her hand is the one that pays for the entire meal. We're sitting 8 deep at Mel's now, but I figure, there's no way I'll get this tab, so I agree.
As the waitress starts pulling cards, it's Alan that's in the clear first, then JK, then Vic, mine, and then bam, like some stroke of ultimate cosmic karma, the last card she's holding is Simon's. And he's not happy about it. Apparently, while he brought this game up with a smile on his face, and had played it before...he had never actually lost. Having never tasted defeat in credit card roulette before, his jaw drops and he proclaims, "I'm never playing this game again." Yea, that must suck to lose, but if he always plays, and always plays because he's never lost, I can only say he had to be due.
We head back, but I know what happens if I go up for a smoke at Vic's, and I'm not spending the night there. No no, instead, my brilliance leads me to walk back to Mike's. On the way, I start a new habit of clandestine videography.
I pick a place, set the camera up on the ground or on a railing, hit record and dance. You always see the iPod commercials with the dancing, and I've always wished more people danced in public, so I've decided that late night, or in odd spots where I can put my camera down for a bit, I'll be doing some undercover dancing...I take two or three videos last night before I pick up my shit, jump in my car and drive home, arriving at 4:30 am, almost twelve hours exactly since I left for Tres Agaves.
That was just about as crazy as one evening gets. And now to do it again (with some variation, I'm sure), tonight. Followed by the super bowl tomorrow. Hopefully I'll still be living on Monday. |
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