No, she didn't go to Towson. I don't have any idea what that sweatshirt means, nor why she would wear it, so don't ask me. But hey, I wear around a Farmington shirt that no one can really decipher, so I guess all's fair in love and sweatshirts. J.G. (for those that meet her in person, you can get her real name...for some trivia, it's the shortened form of my 7th/8th grade girlfriend's name, if that helps y'all out any (only spelled with a Y, not an IE for the Sands fans in the room))
She went to PennState for undergrad and UPenn for grad school. She has worked as a therapist, babysitter, Bacardi girl and now moves on as family nanny. She enjoys running, laughing and has taken great enjoyment so far in making fun of me, but really, who doesn't now and again? She enjoyed her first LaTaq burrito this evening, is very happy to have a place to call home for a while, and is ready to be overwhelmed by meeting all of you crazies out there. She'll be out taking in the town on a regular basis, so don't feel the need to dogpile and hence crush her the first time you see her...that would leave me searching for another roommate.
So, that's Roomie JG in a very small, manageable and bloggable nutshell. When you see her, don't be afraid, she won't bite. Although, beware anyways...I haven't yet ruled out the possibility that she could be a werewolf in disguise. I wonder what the ratio of werewolves to vampires is. And really, is she more likely to be a leprechaun or a unicorn? Oh. We're still talking about Roomie here. Right. Welcome!
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