Friday, May 30, 2008

10 Things to Think About on a Friday (and some ranting)

Wow...busy week...and really, not even the motivation to do a post on the first weekend at the Lake House. Probably because it didn't feel much like the lake, with rain and even brief thunder and lightening storms making for an interesting Memorial Day. It was still a great time (and we even got a starlight booze cruise in), but didn't quite feel like the lake. The highlight of the weekend came on Sunday when we started funneling at 1:30. At about 4 we see people on the deck next to us playing Beirut. I tell K to challenge them for us, but she's hesitant about the fact that she sucks at Beirut. I tell her I'll carry her.

We get up there and it's a 10 cup game on a longer table than I'm used to. Despite my promise to carry the team, by the time we're down 7-3 I've only hit 1 of our 3 cups with K doing the rest. Then, with oblivion (and the shame of losing a challenge that we proposed) staring us in the face, I start knocking down shots. With the game tied 1-1, I hit the final cup and end it. I'm ecstatic and drunk.

In other news, I hate the LA Lakers. It's not just for Kobe, but for everything the organization stands for. The fans in LA are weak sauce bitches who only root for a team when they're winning. How many people jumped on that Anaheim Angels bandwagon when they were in the World Series? The Lakers were the toast of the town when they won three back to back championships, but the fans disappeared during the last two seasons with no playoff appearances, and now when you watch the game from last night, the seats are packed and everyone is once again a Lakers fan.

Of course, I don't like Kobe much either. I love how he plays and his passion for winning, but his smug attitude combined with the rape charges that I'm still unconvinced either way about leave me with a disdain for the man. Furthermore, did anyone watch the game last night? With 5 seconds left, 5 points up, the Lakers had the game in hand. The Spurs had decided not to foul and basically walked away from Vujacic, who had the ball. And what does that classless piece of shit do? He nails a 3 at the buzzer to make it a 100-92 final score. Leave it to a player in Los Angeles to pull such a poor sportsman move. I hope someone beats him with a belt, or at least elbows him hard the next time LA plays San Antonio.

I woke up today with the strange feeling that we're halfway through the year and it feels like two months. Summer is here, but the weather outside today is garbage. I hope it warms up for tomorrow's street fair, or it'll be a very long day. Alright, I'm digressing came for 10 things you could ponder to get you through to Friday night. Here they are...

1) If it isn't bad enough that we went over to occupy a foreign country that we shouldn't be in, now we have US Troops spreading the good word of Christianity to native Muslims? I'm beginning to feel that Bush should have been in the gallows with Saddam. Now there's a reality show I'd watch.
2) My question is this....when the Catholic church is so intolerant as to threaten to excommunicate female priests and anyone who ordains them, why would you continue to be a part of a religion that preaches love and acceptance in the guise of Jesus Christ, yet continually shows intolerance and hatred for others (women priests, homosexuals, Muslims)? Seems a tad hypocritical to me...
3) This is would you feel if you found out that someone had been living in your closet, eating your food, showering in your home and sharing your space for a year, and you had absolutely no idea?
4) There are few things that bother me more on a "life isn't fair" level than college athletes being exploited for money by their institutions and the NCAA. The NCAA makes buckets of money on the "student-athletes" every year, and have rigid rules in place to prevent them from ever seeing a dime in return for their revenue production. While it's not slavery (the athletes could decide not to play, or just go pro), I do consider it indentured servitude. This is the latest on the Reggie Bush scandal over whether he did or did not accept money while at USC. My questions are matter what school or which athlete, do you a) think that the rules preventing them from gaining anything for their efforts are right, b) think that anything they get off the field of play makes any difference whatsoever in how they perform on it and c) will taking away a Heisman or championship, or anything else you want to take away from any particular athlete, change how they actually performed and what they accomplished that season? Talk about an exercise in futility, but the NCAA needs to make this more fair to ALL athletes.
5) Here's a good music rights question....if you perform a cover of someone else's song in concert, and get videotaped doing it, who has the right to pull the YouTube video of the songs? You, or the original artist?
6) I'm not going to lie. The idea of a Donnie Darko sequel has me alternately bursting with joy and downright terrified. Please don't botch this movie...
7) So after seeing how PopCrunch rated the top 50 hottest female athletes of all time, what do you think of their top 10? I'll have to admit, I'm a sucker for #12.
8) When 50's hot, the roof is definitely on fire.
9) I've been to Ohio. So I had to include this as I laughed hysterically upon reading the headline, "Columbus, Ohio's Happening Side."
10) When you're out and about this weekend, think of how much more fun you would be having if that beer you were drinking was actually space beer.

Happy Friday good to each other.

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