Friday, May 9, 2008

10 Things to Think About on a Friday

A little strange that I feel like I got back from Iowa two weeks ago, yet it's only been four days. But it's been a long four days. Cinco de Mayo, Skylark, E's birthday, League Championships. I certainly crammed it in from Monday to today. As I get ready to embark on an even larger caseload this week, I present to you 10 things to think about until you hop that turnstile and head for home. Cheers!

1) So if they videotaped defensive AND offensive signals, how much of the Patriots' dynasty is tainted in cheating?
2) How long would you wait in line for a 23 cent pizza from Papa John's?
3) What do you DRM dead?
4) I don't know about you, but I have absolutely no desire to use a human skull as a bong.
5) Ok....raise your hand if you knew that the Federal Government has been supplying medicinal marijuana to some patients for 30 years, while simultaneously trying to shut down states' medicinal marijuana programs.
6) People drinking in order to increase their chances of sex? Never! No way! I don't believe it!
7) Lot of marijuana news today apparently...I love this one...prospective juror in marijuana trial arrested for smoking marijuana outside courthouse.
8) Cheers for another big win for the spectacular and diverse wildlife of California.
9) Start getting excited for the new Immortal Technique's going to be excellent.
10) Is the vet you love riding a segway?

Have a good weekend folks!

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