Friday, August 29, 2008

10 Things to Think About on a Friday

This month has been absolutely nutty! Crazy! Insane! More insane than I've known what to do with at times. Ultimate frisbee games, Giants games, the start of Cross Country season, Outside Lands, Rock the Bells, and more birthday parties than I could shake a stick at. Looking at my calendar, I realize that I haven't spent a full evening at home without going out or working late since the 7th. That's a stretch. And now, as soon as Friday ends, it's Lake bound for this kid to close out the season Labor Day style. But before that happens, here's 10 things you can entertain yourself with as the weekend draws near.

1) So McCain has picked his running mate....former beauty queen, and currently under investigation. But hey, she's who he needs to "shake things up in Washington." When are old white guys like McCain going to learn that WE DON'T TRUST THEM ANYMORE?!
2) At 14, you get a successful heart transplant, and then at 18 you decide to kill someone and cut THEIR heart out. Nice, real nice.
3) Apple has announced working on plans to tether the iPhone to a personal computer. Too bad I already have it, it's called NetShare.
4) I used to know a few dead baby jokes that revolved around microwaves. I thought they were just jokes.
5) Michael Jackson turns 50 today. He'll spend his birthday eating cake and watching cartoons with his kids...and, according to him, "the best is yet to come." Does he remember Thriller?
6) A little odd, but for once, it looks like Bush may have learned from a past mistake and done something better this time...
7) Is it wrong for me to have actual hope for the future of our government after just one speech?
8) Ever wonder why you can't kill the fly? Here's why...
9) Scientists say we should no longer use q-tips to clean our ear wax out....somehow, I don't think I'm going to be foregoing ear wax removal anytime soon.
10) While it is important to recognize the change we need in Washington this November, my Dad is already urging me to look at the changes we need in Washington many years from now...Libertarianism.

That's it for me folks. Be good to each other.

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