About 6 o'clock, I've decided to head to the Giants game solo. I've had a general amount of enough of other people for the day, and the thought of enjoying the ballpark and the anonymity of the crowd for a few hours is more than I can ignore.
Some people shy away from eating in a restaurant alone. Others have dropped jaws at the thought that I not only do enjoy, but frequently do go to movies alone. The idea of going to a baseball game? How many would think about it?
Truth is, I sometimes don't want to be around anyone else. And in certain settings, ones where the experience and the surroundings lend to a series of events that can only really happen in the randomness of one person, I prefer it. Some of the most enjoyable moments for me have been ones where I can easily and quietly sink into an entire ocean of people around me, with no interaction and no need for recognition. Feeling a mass around me, and not needing to worry about who I'm with that is either following or leading me. Picking a route and becoming a pebble moving upstream that even in the most minute way forces the water to swell and react around it.
I had the opportunity for a few nice pictures this evening. Through both the arena of the game and the amphitheatre of the headphones, I had a few moments worth sharing...
- I came in through the Dugout store entrance. I had been looking at hats, but had also previously been in an alleyway partaking in a 5 minute break of sorts. I open my bag for the checker who asks with her partner looking on, "No bottles or cans tonight?" "No," I reply, "just warm clothing."
"And pot." she says. I maintain eye contact and reply,
"That's on me, not in my bag."
Even through the music, I can hear them laughing when I'm up the ramp and clearing the turn.
- Standing by the water and enjoying a beverage, I was dancing a little bit. The usher person came over and said, "you're too young to be drinking, let me see your ID." I'm still feeling good about that one.
- It's very easy to fake sitting down on a toilet in order to hang your backpack off the door, remove the flask you brought in and mix a drink. Simply pick the next bathroom down the walk to actually urinate, as the whole stall/urinal thing in the same bathroom would probably draw more than a few weird stares.
- At one moment, while waiting for the above-mentioned stall in order to spice up my roke a little, I stopped and looked around. Regardless of how I had come to be there and how rational the reasons were, I thought, "I'm standing in the middle of a men's bathroom at a baseball game by myself, waiting for a stall and listening to Barbara Streisand show tunes." 'Don't Rain on My Parade' no less...
- If there is a more beautiful view from a ballpark than the view from the promenade in San Francisco's stadium, I need to see it.
- And for some things...if you share them with someone else, anyone else, they just won't mean the same.
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