Friday night, myself, Hessica, Za, McButter, Bini, Nah and T head up to get some good lake action in. We get up there around 11 or so, have a few cocktails and head to sleep. Good thing to, because Saturday is long and action packed.
We wake up early. As in, earlier than I wake up at the lake. Everyone wants to get out to wakeboard so we head out, watch P take a ski run, watch Hessica demonstrate her skills, and then, in a feat usually not accomplished at the lake, everyone in the boat tries (well, everyone except me that is). There is much success on the boat. Of course, I'm not left completely out of the fun. As the boat is turning, the rope line for the wakeboarder somehow manages to come up to the side of my head, grab the earpiece of my sunglasses and then, miraculously, without decapitating me, pull the sunglasses off and over my head and straight into the water. Goodbye sunglasses.
We get back to the house and have some lunch. This is the time when P usually naps because everyone in the house passes out...but not this crew. Shortly after lunch we're ready for a swim/tubing run and head out to the cove with rum and cokes, coronas and js in hand. At the swim cove, a truly extraordinary site takes place as I not only swim, but join Nah, Bini and Za in diving off the end of the boat to try to catch frisbees. T, with her supreme water proof camera, gets some awesome shots of the dives. After this, we put them in the tube and P whips people around at about 20 mph, giving T what she calls one of the "scariest moments of my life."
Back at the house, it's cocktail time and we start playing dominoes while helping prep the jalapeno poppers. Dinner is steak and poppers, which works excellently with the Cobb salad we had for lunch. Then, it's danger time as I break out a bottle of tequila I had brought just for the trip. I get a lot of shit when I don't provide limes with the tequila shots, but soon they see what I already knew...this tequila doesn't need any limes!
After dinner, it's onto the booze cruise which is one of the longer and more enjoyable booze cruises I've been on. We meander in the lake for what seems like hours, passing around the tequila bottle and staring at stars. Once we're back, we get embroiled in a game of Apples to Apples which lasts until everyone is just too drunk to do anything but pass out.
Next day, it's a morning boat run again and then cleaning and packing to leave. Once everyone is gone though, Nah, Bini and I decide that it's not quite time for reality yet, and from 3 to about 8pm we sit on the back deck smoking and playing dominoes and enjoying the heat. I've never been the last to leave the lake house before, but it was melancholy and sad. Closing the blinds and turning off all the lights, I was no longer filled with the leaving feeling I usually have...that the lake carries on. But, fantastic weekend? I think so. And yes, for those that know that T can't drive, that is a picture of her driving the boat.
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