Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Top 12s for 2008

Have we really gotten this far already? I mean, it seems like not 12 months ago that I was posting my Top 12s for 2007, and now I'm getting ready for my second Rose Bowl in three years and posting a summary of '08? Crazy. But it's been a fantastic year, with many new friends and activities. What I really love though is how some outings and parties are becoming tradition with the multiple years out of college now, and they become larger than just parties, but scheduled gatherings that you wait for a certain month to come around for. So, with that, I give you my top 12s for this year...

Movies: Well, my movie total from this year was down. I focused more on getting out of the house, finding social activities multiple nights a week, and with the lifting of the writer's strike, there was so much TV in the second half of the year that it made the time to get to movies almost non-existent. All told, I watched 142 movies this year. The month links will take you to the movie listing for that month, and the movie link will take you to IMDB.

Jan: Primer
Feb: Gattaca
Mar: The Lives of Others
Apr: No Country for Old Men
May: Grandma's Boy
Jun: Ratatouille
Jul: The Dark Knight
Aug: Thirteen
Sep: Permanent Midnight
Oct: Donnie Darko
Nov: RocknRolla
Dec: The Wrestler

Events and Blogs: With each year getting better than the last, it becomes harder and harder to pick out my favorite posts from each month. But that doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't be done. Links are included...if you've seen the post, revisit it in all its glory. If you haven't, see it with a fresh pair of eyes and the perspective of distance and time...the month links will take you to all posts from that month.

Jan: New Year, New Couple
Feb: Around the World, and the City
Mar: School Bus Rocks
Apr: Exploring
May: ...And then I got hitJun: Unionizing the Street
Jul: Pride: The March
Aug: Apples to Lakes
Sep: The Great American Transfer
Oct: Land of Pumpkins
Nov: From Trick or Freak to 406
Dec: Another Marathon

In terms of non-event blogs, there were a few I really enjoyed this year...
Marriage? An Institution?
China (Hoax), IOC (Joke), NBC (Dolts), Olympics (Dope)
And for my spoken word pieces this year, my favorite was definitely A Moment After Next.

Alright folks, make the best of your farewells to 2008 tonight, because I've heard that 2009 isn't going to wait for us to be ready for it. Also, Fight On SC!

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