Friday, October 24, 2008

10 Things to Think About on a Friday

The last Friday before Halloween brings us a great many things, some of which aren't even particularly that great. The line-up at Bridge School this year wasn't even enough to entice me to buy a ticket, but I think that's trumped by the fact that the annual Love Shack Anniversary party is going down on Sunday night. In the meantime, here are some things to help you get through the rest of your day, no matter how sad, pathetic, lonely, ecstatic, awesome or friend filled it happens to be...

1) Tigers are awesome. Girls in bikinis are fantastic. Why not have both in one place?

2) It's good to know that a McCain/Palin presidency won't be reckless with our money. But then why was Palin already recklessly using Alaska's money to fund her kids' travel arrangements? But hey, at least Sarah Palin knows what being a Vice President is all about, right? Um, wrong. Oh well. At least you can still make her say what you want her to say.

3) So I thought online role playing games were going a bit too far when people actually started spending money in virtual universes. But a woman getting arrested for killing her virtual husband's avatar after he divorced her online? Are we serious?

4) Another high profile case of blunt smoking. An excellent use of tax dollars, I'm sure.

5) It's good to know what "good Christian guys" look like these days...I'm not sure I would have picked him out otherwise.

6) If only George Bush would actually endorse John McCain, it might look something like this.

7) With all the corporate fraud and political bullshit we're dealing with, I'm glad to know that a large corporation like Apple is still willing to stand up and publicly declare for equal rights for everyone by voting NO ON PROP 8.

8) Put down your Parliament Lights, bitches....smoking the reefer provides a lower cancer risk. And this of all places from FoxNews!

9) I eat like a 400lbs man, yet I'm relaxed and my blood pressure is normal. Must have something to do with my gas.

10) Should be interesting to see how the Niners do this weekend under new coach Mike Singletary. I'm just glad that Mike Martz doesn't hold any grudge about being passed over.

11) And I just saw this, but thought it definitely deserved some attention...a dance floor in a club that helps power the club. In other words, a closer to sustainable night club experience.

It's weekend time folks...Be good to each other.

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