Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birthday ChengJ!

The former tennis almost-pro and life long Butts Up player, ChengJ, celebrates his birthday today. He turns 26. For the past 25 years, ChengJ has succeeded in being the whitest guy I know, while violently maintaining his stranglehold on the sport of ping pong. When drinking, he turns bright red, and he has made friends with almost every bouncer that City Tavern has to offer.

Often shirtless at home, ChengJ never shies away from the opportunity to be both incredibly cool and half naked when he can do both at the same time. With skills ranging from Beirut to Guitar Hero to a really cool indoor wooden surfboard that I haven't seen since he changed apartments, ChengJ has clearly made the most of his time here on Earth, and one can only expect more expertise, debauchery and daring dos in years to come.

So raise your glass folks, with a big cheers to ChengJ, the ultimate Marina Man.

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