Friday, December 19, 2008

10 Things to Think About on a Friday

I find it quite hard to believe that we've come to the end of 2008. It's a little scary how fast it went, considering I've been told by multiple people how it goes faster and faster as you get older. Holiday dinners and birthday celebrations dominated the week, but I'm still glad the weekend is here so I can get down to some serious celebrating and roll into the Christmas week. If you haven't done your Christmas shopping (like me), you (I) better get out there and get that shit done fast! In the meantime, here's 10 things to think about....

1) He was famous in the news for his help in forcing the Nixon resignation after Watergate...later, his nickname was used in porno films. Either way, the legend of "Deep Throat" will now live on without the actual "Deep Throat" (W. Mark Felt), who has sadly passed away at age 95.

2) Ethics in business are obviously important. And when an agency representing a fair number of athletes does something that you feel is screwing you over, it makes sense to say you won't do business with them, right? But do you hold that grudge if they have players you want, or do you believe that the players will go to an agency that you'll deal with?

3) The bailout is something that's got me agitated right now. I understand that it's important to support your economy, but here we are giving billions of dollars to companies that paid their CEOs too much, weren't smart in business practices, and really have only themselves to blame. Now we're bailing out the auto industry. What are your thoughts on giving huge sums of money to companies that should have been smarter with it in the first place?

4) While I don't condone stupidity, it certainly can create some sad situations. Once knock-out king of the world and menace within the boxing community, Mike Tyson has become a menace to himself, and his cholesterol.

5) But who likes looking at a fat Mike Tyson? I'm not usually a fan of Jennifer Aniston...I don't think she's all that cute, and really didn't like her in Friends. But seeing this changed my mind. And if you're Dave Letterman, you now get to keep the tie.

6) While I'm thinking about now, some are thinking about a moment after next...

7) So I understand if you're a football recruit and you want to look at places other than USC to play football. But why would you look at a team like UCLA that went 4-8 this year over a team that went 11-1 and is going to face Penn State in the Rose Bowl? I mean, go look at Florida or Oklahoma, or another school that actually has a winning record.

8) So you don't have a security system, you show your home off on national television...are you surprised if it gets broken into?

9) Super cool and very very creepy...take a look at 5 modern day cities that have been abandoned.

10) Finally, for those who have seen There Will Be Blood, I was reminded yesterday of this YouTube spoof trailer for There Will Be Bud. Enjoy your weekends!

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