Friday, January 23, 2009

10 Things to Think About on a Friday

Ok, so not the best week...On Monday I get home to find that the apartment has been broken into and a good majority of our electronics have been taken. I guess the part that pisses me off most is the fact that they took my external hard drive with all my pictures on it, yet weren't smart enough to take the power cord for it, so odds are good that it's lying in some trash heap somewhere because they weren't able to turn it on. But, life moves on...the insurance money should come in today or tomorrow and the objects will be replaced (obviously, however, not all my photos) and we'll be wiser next time around. That being said, there's a lot of good news out there this week, and plenty to keep your mind occupied. It's Friday! Sit back, relax and ponder this!

1) I'll admit it...there's something thrilling about watching just how low politicians can sink. Our recently ousted regime of Bush/Cheney did just that this week. Out of 8 years of undercover dealings, possibly illegal moves and other generally shady shit, Bush and Cheney got caught pretty much red handed only once...when Cheney's office was in some way responsible for the leaking of Valerie Plame's identity as a CIA agent. Yet, despite the fact that this was the only thing they got caught for, and publicly so, Cheney thinks that his boy Scooter Libby deserves a pardon. I say that if this is the only justice the American people are ever going to get for all of the shit these two pulled in our Executive branch, Cheney better shut up and be thankful that he's not going to jail. Here's a news flash for you did immoral things as our VP. You don't deserve a pardon for your friend, nor for any member of your administration.

2) Yesterday was the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. I'm glad that we have a President who is not interested in having government intrude in our personal lives and stands for the rights of women. He's also rescinding Bush's policy of not providing funding for places abroad that support or educate on abortion. But let's not forget about the man who's working with him, Mr. Biden.

3) In not good news at all, try imagining one day being a beauty pageant contestant and two weeks later being in critical condition with amputated hands and feet.

4) It's rough being Kanye West. Not only are people hating on him all the time, but now there's fake interviews saying that he'd do bisexual porn. The guy can't buy a break.

5) One of the most common STDs is herpes, and part of the problem comes from the fact that someone can have it, yet not know if they don't experience an outbreak. And there's no vaccine. How ridiculous is that?! But no, you may not need a vaccine if development of this protective cream continues successfully.

6) Wanna get arrested? Go to Iowa, check a book out of the library and keep it for 9 months. Police should show up sometime after that.

7) Over at Evolving Music, we love remixers. But what does Stephen Colbert think of them?

8) Oh Britney. From Mouseketeer to the bane of parents' existence everywhere. Are you seeking Amy?

9) In the "how stupid can you get" files, we have this couple in Pennsylvania....a word to the wise...when you are going to court to pay a fine for being drunk in public, don't show up drunk! Of course, why deal with any fine or arrest? Do like this almost caught car thief and turn yourself into a goat.

10) The Arizona Cardinals have proven that a team from the NFC West can get to the Super Bowl. So is it too much to believe that with new coach Mike Singletary and now the possible hire of Dan Reeves as Offensive Coordinator that the Niners could get there next year?

That's it from me today good to each other and keep your windows and doors locked.

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