After a restful Friday where I finished the recuperation I had started on Tuesday for my illness, I walk out of Nini's at 1:30 on a Saturday to have Glace say the above-mentioned words. At first, I think she's joking. I mean, who in their right mind starts drinking immediately after Nini's on a Saturday afternoon? But somehow, she manages to get us all interested and Chaz, Hessica, Glace, Daw and Stu head over to the apartment to start drinking. This continues until about 6 o'clock when Hessica and I move on to the city.
By the time we're heading there, we're both pretty faded, so we park and take BART up. Upon arrival, we head to McButter's house where Za, recently returned from her battles with India, rests in slumber to combat the jet lag. We continue drinking. At around 8 or so, the house awakens and we start to get ready to head out. Maurod shows up to drive us and of course two minutes into the ride he goes, "So where's the j.oint man?" We kill it on our way out to Lucky 13. Over there we find the birthday crowd where Jacks' girlfriend is celebrating her big 21st, which is excellent because it should stop the rash of reclusive behavior Jacks has been on in the past months.
Hessica has gone into spin mode, and regularly leans against me to stop herself from falling off the bar stool. We combine this activity with pouring out drinks from the Rockstar can we've mixed with vodka and snuck into the bar in Hessica's purse. This saves money. Now faded, we climb into the photo booth there. Za's tired at this point and tells me that she and McButter are probably going to head out soon. When I look at the clock and see it's only 10:30 I become irate and give her shit, but respectfully wait outside while the two of them hop a cab and Margaret heads out to Rebel Girl (which for some reason makes me want to sing "Rebel Yell" by Billy Joel in my head for the rest of the night.
Maurod grabs us and takes us out to meet E, Sa and Mel on Broadway. Hessica, once again in her patented and highly amusing "too drunk to talk" mode sits at the bar and alternates drinks with water. We close the bar down like this and all think that an after party is a great idea. Upon getting in the car, Hessica is dozing in the front seat, Sa is passed out in the back and I'm yelling at E to hurry up and drive. Little do I know that I should be telling him to take us home at this point. When we get to the after hours, it's close to 3, and as we're in line to go in, Sa realizes she doesn't have her ID on her. I go back to the car to search for it with her, with no luck. The lag in getting in has made Hessica realize she doesn't want to go in at all, and as we're deciding to leave, Sa sneaks by the doorman and disappears inside. This proposes a problem because a) E is our driver, b) Hessica wants to leave, c) half our party is now inside and d) the half of the party inside is who the car belongs to.
After spending twenty minutes trying to get them to come outside, we finally get the keys to them and get a graceful ride from one of the other members of our party who, lucky for us, is going back to Millbrae. We finally get there right around 4, Hessica passes out immediately, and I spend thirty minutes trying to teach E how to make a Costco english muffin breakfast sandwich while simultaneously hazing him on Bushmills. At 5, his ride, done with the after hours, picks him up. I contemplate intentionally falling asleep on the couch before thinking the better of that plan and going to bed. I start Sunday with another trip to Nini's, after which Glace thankfully does not request an afternoon of drinking.
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