Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Monday Mayhem

If you haven't been out to the Skylark on Monday night, get it done. Nowhere in San Francisco, and possibly the country will you find a place that feels more like Amsterdam. Gavroche, Hessica and myself head up there for their Reggaeton/Dancehall night. They've managed to take over this place on Mondays and smoking is allowed in the bar.

Not much to report here other than the fact that Skylark on Mondays should be home for any partaker of greenery, and we were sitting two feet from a huge brawl that started between two girls. Everyone's sitting there, minding their own business, we're passing a j around, and all of a sudden these two girls start going at it. Hair pulling, face slamming, head locking, these girls are going nuts on each other. Finally, after they've slammed each other around quite a bit, and one girl has come close to having her earring ripped out, people manage to get in between them and break it up.

I wondered why I was having trouble this morning...then I realized it was because walking in a straight line was providing a serious challenge. Bring it on, Tuesday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

While you were there, I was at a REAL reggae show: Pato Banton and the Mystic Roots Band...and Eek a Mouse! :-p