Friday, February 27, 2009

10 Things to Think About on a Friday

To say it's been a busy week in the world of news and excitement would be an understatement. We closed out February of '09 with all sorts of shenanigans, the majority of which seem to be pot related. There's a groundswell coming, I believe. The job/roommate hunt continues in earnest, and I think the weekend is just what I need to get the head back on straight. Hard to believe it's only been a week since the wine trip that seems like ages ago. At any rate, whatever you're doing to close out this month, enjoy, and here's 10 things for you to think about this Friday.

1) Some neighbors are upset, but according to state officials, there's nothing illegal about this topless coffee shop.

2) As I mentioned, the new administration has encouraged folks to step out of their old way of doing business, and the war on marijuana is most certainly old. Tom Ammiano this week jumped to the front of the line by proposing a bill to legalize and tax marijuana in California for people over 21 in order to save billions in enforcement and create billions in tax revenue. The SF media seems to like it...

3) But what if that legislation doesn't pass? Well, according to US Attorney General Eric Holder, busting medical dispensaries is no longer US policy...

4) And the users out there have proven that if you fuck with us, we will fuck with you. Don't believe me? Ask Kellogg's how they're doing after firing Michael Phelps for his bong photo.

5) I hope you don't want to see Julian back in a Pulp Fiction sequel anytime soon, because if this report is correct, Samuel Jackson won't be anyone but Nick Fury in Marvel movies for quite some time to come.

6) I love that government officials, often the same ones speaking out vehemently against illegal downloads of music, seem to be the ones continually using artists' work without their permission or consent. This time it's French president Sarkozy using MGMT's "Kids."

7) In sports news that I could definitely go along with, word is that the 49ers are interested in acquiring #7, as in Michael Vick, when he's released from jail. Could be potent with Vick and Gore in the backfield. And it seems that he could be released from jail sooner than we think for home confinement.

8) Only fitting that number 8 is about something 8 related. I could think of any number of crass and crude jokes for this one, but instead, I'm just going to tell you that the mother of octuplets has been offered money for a porn movie, and leave it at that.

9) Any interest in a 2.5 million dollar iPhone? Thought not.

10) I'm definitely curious Joaquin Phoenix for real?

That's it from this end folks. Have a good weekend and play nice in the sandbox.

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