It was a sad and somber weekend, when we weren't faded. It was the weekend to wrap the boat up one last time, give the wakeboards one last dip in the water, and feel the 90s temperatures fade away with the summer weekends at the lake. Making the trip up was the Ryan/Feinn clan, the two C's (Sis and myself) and Roomie. On Friday night, we started early and ended early, just trying to get our feet wet for the days ahead.
Saturday was football (nice game 'SC, better luck next weekend ND), boating and Thanksgiving dinner. The booze cruise played an important moment in the evening, even after Sis and Mode were shocked with a huge wave crashing onto them from the front of the boat.
Sunday, with football off and P sidelined with an eye injury, it became time for Asshole. The game was great. Start off with only being able to drink your drink with your left hand. Then, you have to announce you are going to drink before you drink. Following that, you can't even say "drink, drank or drunk." The next rule has us calling each other by nicknames that we self-select and Exile approves. We have myself, "Jointastic," Roomie as "Home Skillet," Sis' man as "Dave-Mode," Sis as "Kelsey-girl," C as "El Chucko" and Exile as "Commander In Chief," and then Chuck puts a twist on where you can only hold your cards in your left hand. Makes playing a drinking card game where you can only drink or hold cards left handed quite a bit difficult. This game ends when, attempting to put my cards down, play a card and reach for my drink, all left handed, prompts me to spill my rum and coke on the deck, which makes Exile jump up and make her champagne glass explode on all of us. When I return from the shower, the game is over and people are swimming because it "got too complicated."
We re-rally to finish the game, coming up with new and improved rules that include nicknames of world leaders. This time, we have Napoleon, Queen Elizabeth, King David (because it's all biblical and shit), Charlemagne, Sacagawea (even though I argue that she was never a world leader) and Exile, who's world leader name I forget. Needless to say that when we finish two rounds of Asshole at 5pm, happy hour is going to be very happy.
Dinner Sunday night is jalapeno poppers (P has perfected these now), tri-tip, potatoes and cake by Cam. We miss out on a booze cruise because, well, everyone's already too trashed. We're deckside until the end though, so the Lake House this year goes out with a bang, not a whimper.
Memorable Quotes of the Weekend (if I've missed any, send 'em to me!):
- "Don't worry, we won't remember this joint three joints from now." - me addressing a complaint about the rolling job on the first j
- "We're going to pick fresh rosemary." - P on being asked where he and Don Phillipe are going at 10pm
- "If you can play that on the piano, I might have sex with you." - Dave-Mode to Chaz upon hearing a song from Amelie
- Are you trying to get us all drunk?" - Dave-Mode to Chaz after the no holding cards in right hand rule is made
So that's all folks. The Lake House is nothing but a house again until May. Coming soon: Weekend entertainment without copious amounts of free booze, a speed boat and partial nudity.
Pictures: Mom and P give us their real thoughts, me suspicious on the deck, Dave-Mode, Sis and Exile at dinner, Exile and OGO, the Sands and Exile on the boat, Chaz, Roomie and Cam, P's rearview, Sis, Latté ready to go swimming, Cheers!
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