Thursday, July 3, 2008

10 Things to Think About on a Thursday

The Lake is once more here, and a Friday 4th of July finds me (and most other well meaning citizens) not at work, and certainly not at a computer. If you're like the very unlucky few that are caught behind your desk right now wondering when that cruel ass boss is going to let you go early for the day, take have 10 things you can spend some time thinking about. Have a great weekend!

1) Should we stop the insanity when it's considered news that Mary-Kate gets a coffee? I think E! Online should be shot.

2) More stories from the "Rich Dumb Rapper Who Wants to Spend Time in Jail" files.

3) Privacy continues to head down hill. Do you really want your YouTube views and preferences publicly known?

4) California's Grass...its largest cash crop at $14 Billion/year. 1.5 Million gallons of water/day. Would legalization and taxation help Green the green industry?

5) Domino's Pizza trying to get in on the film preview industry?

6) Got an iPhone? Like GChat? Welcome to beauty.

7) If you needed Viagra, would you be willing to eat 6 cups of watermelon instead?

8) This is what happens when you steal a childhood from someone to make them a star...They go on crazy drunk benders, get in trouble with the law, and then use their money to pretend they're still in high school.

9) I've now tried the iPhone GChat mentioned, you can see them talking, and you can jump between conversations. Too. Friggin. Sweet.

10) Would you rather be a streamer or a firework?

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