Friday, June 1, 2007

May's Movie Menagerie (14)

I got off to a really slow start this month in terms of movies. Between ultimate frisbee games, Giants games and parties, I didn't get my first movie in until the 9th. But I finished strong, with a little help from strep throat that sidelined me at home for three days and the lake house which is always good for a few. Here's the list of movies I watched this month. As always, if you'd like some more info on any of them, hit me up, or just click on the links that are the titles. Spiffy. Finally, I'm going to be choosing a "best of the month" movie. This month, that award goes to La Haine (Hate), a black and white French film that looks at society as a whole and how poverty, race, and of course hatred play into the daily lives of three teens. The movie was terrifically made, incredibly bleak and more than a little eye opening.

"It's the story of a man who falls from the top of a skyscraper. Every floor, he says to himself, 'so far so good. So far so good.' But it's not how you fall that matters. It's how you land."

9: Word Wars
14: Sherry Baby
14: 300
14: High Art
15: Brick
16: Bonnie and Clyde
18: Last King of Scotland
18: Spider Man 3
24: Quinceanera
26: Big Lebowski
26: Talladega Nights
27: Incredibles
30: La Haine

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