Friday, March 7, 2008

10 Things to Think About on a Friday

Just because I have to work all weekend doesn't mean that it doesn't feel like Friday. The sun is out, the birds are chirping, and I'm going a bit nutty with the chocolate binge at 9:30 in the morning. Here's a few thoughts you can use to procrastinate today...

1) What's your things fall off of race cars?
2) Does the Dalai Lama really have an interest in sabotaging the Olympic games?
3) Just how much is too much for a CEO to make when the company is failing?
4) How are you going to mourn The Wire?
5) Would you rather be a drug mule or a sex slave?
6) This is disturbing...who uses a baby as a rope?
7) How can a man so funny be so retired?
8) Just how drunk do you like to get off your wine?
9) Were you aware that March and November start on the same day of the week?
10) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or Kit Kats?

Now it's 11 am, the chocolate is coursing through my veins, and I think, if I manage to breathe, I might just make it to the end of the day. Enjoy your Friday!

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