Friday, March 28, 2008

10 Things to Think About on a Friday

We're back...another Friday. Another rolling day hurling you full force into the weekend. I don't know about any of y'all, but I'm ready. As in no track meet Saturday/rested to party type ready. To get you even further ready, here's 10 things you can ponder as you wait for 5pm...

1) Just how ridiculous are we getting in our airport screening procedures when you can't get on an airplane with nipple rings?
2) Are you ready to trust Alex Smith again?
3) If you want to see Nine Inch Nails this Summer, get ready to head to Oakland (9/5/08)
4) Can you imagine Lindsay Lohan as one of Charles Manson's girls?
5) If you're a rapper, and you shoot someone, shouldn't you be above crying after being sentenced to jail?
6) What do you think about a judge who makes people convicted in his court learn the English language?
7) You have to love Texas, where a 12 year old can dance in a strip club and the strip club still doesn't get shut down.
8) Don't click on this one if you're disturbed by violent images, but thankfully the monsters who did this will face life terms.
9) Lookout blondes...I'm dyeing my hair red now...
10) It may not be an indication that video games are making children more violent, but it's certainly an indication of just how seriously some kids take these games without understanding consequences.

Here's yet another reason why our city is gorgeous...

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